From: Mathieu on

First i want say I'm french and my english is not good but I will try to explain my problem.

I'm doing a PhD in wastewater management and I'm bulding a hydraulic way to study sensor for water quality measurement.

I would like do Data acquisition and control my experiment with Matlab.
Input : 7 sensors in 4-20mA,
Output : 3 in 0-10V (to control the pump,...)

During a long time, I searched hardware compatible with Matlab and with 7 input (4-20mA) et 3 output (0-10V), ....
I didn't find.

So I would try this software from National Instrument : cDAQ-9178, 9203 et 9263.
They are not in the list from harware compatible on website from matlab.

Did someone try this hardware with Matlab?
if someone try, could you say me if the harware was ok with matlab.

I really sorry for my english. If you need more information to help me, wtrite me a e-mail.

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