From: B__P on
My computer has been down for about 1 year.
I had to move suddenly and didn't have much time to try and fix it (
no free time at all really.)
But after Mulling it over for less then 4 days and only about 10 min
hands on work, I've solved the problem.

As I said in one of my posts, when you know the answer, the problem
is easy.
I would like to think Bob , Mike and everyone else that helped me with
this issue, thanks a lot. You have my heart-felt & sincere gratitude.

Thanks again for help in solving my boot problem.


Oh, wait. The problem. You may want to know what it was.
After speaking with Bob last time, I felt sure the problem was in the
HD. I pulled the vid card out and still no boot so it mean time to
put in a different drive or to test the HD somewhere else.
I didn't have another system set up currently where I could test the
HD, and I was trying to think what HD I could put into the nonworking
system to see if that would fix it. On a whim, I unplugged the ribbon
cable from the HD and used the TERMINAL connector on the same ribbon
cable and BOOM, the damn thing booted.

My understanding, and THIS MAY BE IN ERR, is that it doesn't matter
which connector you use on the ribbon cable when you are using two
drive, the jumpers ( on the HD's with jumpers ) determine which is
slave and which is master.
So apparently either
1) That is not true


2) the ribbon was bad.

(However in my case, there was only 1 drive on the Ribbon cable and it
was connected in the middle which didn't work, but started working
when attached to the END. ****Should I have known to attach a single
drive to the end terminus of the ribbon cable ******????

If 1 is true, then someone had to physically unplug the drive and the
plug the wrong connector back into it.

(Can someone help me out with this briefly...master / slave and what
order they should be on the ribbon cable?? Please?)

Either way, the system is working and I could have only done it with
the help of this group. I always try to recall Occam's Razor but
invariable, when I hear hoofs, I look for unicorns. Damn.
