From: Dmitry A. Soshnikov on
On 29.06.2010 12:18, Dmitry A. Soshnikov wrote:


> What I thought. The note as its now --
> really looks like a bit emotional but not analytic write-up. I don't
> like this stylistics, it isn't mine (if to consider all other chapters),
> it's not my reputation.


> So, what have I decided? I'll a bit rewrite this article, removing all
> the emotional stuff such as ("If the cost is the same, for what to buy
> this `stuff`?"). But, of course I won't refuse from the article, still
> the technical part that there are cases as `typeof` and that algorithms
> are equal is at least -- "a good to know".


> I describe some pit-fall cases (including "falsy" values and boolean
> cases), but still mention that == is the same as === in some safe-cases.
> At the same time I won't recommend to avoid something (as Crockford
> did). Sort of as VK suggested.

Done. Now I like it more. I should admit that the previous version was
the worst my article -- objectively. Because it was too emotional, but
not analytic.

After corrections, it's much better:

Thanks all, especially VK, Jorge and nick.
