From: PiYaL on 15 Nov 2009 00:19 I need a matlab scripts developed for >>>improved euler method, standard step method and fourth order Runge kutta method and simultaneous solution method. USING EACH METHOD >M1, M2, and S3 profiles has to be plotted . Plots should contain bed elevation , normal depth, critical depth case of M1 profile , set the downstream depth as 2*Yn and in case of M2 profile the downstream depth 1.05*Yc and in case of S3 profile Upstream depth as 0.05m. The below sample script done for modified euler method>> Thanks in advance. % Calculating the Normal and Critical Depth for Different Open Channel % Cross Sections. % Parameters for Trapezoidal, Rectangular, and Triangular Cross Section clear all; Q=100; %Discharge (m^3/s) s=0.00025; %Bottom slope n=0.040; %Manning Roughness Coefficient yinitial=0.1; %Initial Guess to start the iterations %% Normal and Critical Depths Calculation %Loop for Normal Depth for j=1:3 b=[10 50 0]; %Bottom Width (m) for Trap, Rect, Tria. x- sec. respectively. z=[1.0 0.0 1.0]; %Side Slope for Trapezoidal, Rectangular, and Triangular X-sec respectively. y(1)=yinitial; i=1; dy(1)=1e-1; while (abs(dy(i))>1e-3) A(i)=b(j)*y(i)+z(j)*(y(i))^2; P(i)=b(j)+2*(z(j)^2+1)^(0.50)*y(i); R(i)=A(i)/(P(i)); f(i)=sqrt(s)/n*(A(i)*R(i)^(2/3))-Q; % function ff(i)=sqrt(s)/n*((-4/3)*R(i)^(5/3)*sqrt(1+z(j)^2)+5/3*R(i)^ (2/3)*(b(j)+2*z(j)*y(i))); % f' Derivative y(i+1)=y(i)-f(i)/ff(i); dy(i+1)=-f(i)/ff(i); i=i+1; end normaldepth(j)=y(i); conv(j)=i; end for j=1:3 %Side Slope for Trapezoidal, Rectangular, and Triangular X-sec respectively. %Loop for Critical Depth alpha=1; theta=0; yc(1)=yinitial; ic=1; dyc(1)=1e-1; while (abs(dyc(ic))>1e-3) Ac(ic)=b(j)*yc(ic)+z(j)*(yc(ic))^2; Bc(ic)=b(j)+2*z(j)*yc(ic); Pc(ic)=b(j)+2*(z(j)^2+1)^(0.50)*yc(ic); Rc(ic)=Ac(ic)/(Pc(ic)); Dc(ic)=Ac(ic)/(b(j)+2*z(j)*yc(ic)); fc(ic)=Ac(ic)^(3/2)*Bc(ic)^(-1/2)-Q/sqrt(9.81/alpha); % function ffc(ic)=Ac(ic)^(3/2)*(-1/2)*Bc(ic)^(-3/2)*2*z(j)+Bc(ic)^(-1/2)* (3/2)*Ac(ic)^(1/2)*Bc(ic); % f' Derivative yc(ic+1)=yc(ic)-fc(ic)/ffc(ic); dyc(ic+1)=-fc(ic)/ffc(ic); ic=ic+1; end criticaldepth(j)=yc(ic); convc(j)=ic; end %% Water Surface Calculations dx=2.0; %Interval in channel direction Y =2.0*normaldepth(1); %Initial Water Depth at the control location %Y =1.05*criticaldepth(1); %Y=0.05; Dir ='U'; %direction of solution : Upstream(U) or Downstream(D)?', 's'); if Dir == 'U'; dx=-dx; end L=40000; %total length of the channel Nx=round(abs(L/dx)); BedElev(1)=0; %Begining of Bed Elevation WaterElev(1)=Y(1); %Begining of Water Elevation b=b(1); % channel bottom width for Trap. Section z=z(1); % Side Slope for Trap. Section for i=1:Nx; A(i)=b*Y(i)+z*Y(i)^2; % Area m^2 B(i)=b+2*z*Y(i); % Top Width P(i)=b+2*Y(i)*sqrt(1+z^2); % Wetted Perimeter R(i)=A(i)/P(i); % Hydr. radius V(i)=Q/A(i); % Velocity Sf(i)=n^2*V(i)^2/(R(i)^(4/3)); % Energy slope f(i)=(s-Sf(i))/(1-Q^2*B(i)/9.81/A(i)^3); % dy/dx=f=(s-sf/(1-fr^2)) yy(i)=Y(i)+0.5*f(i)*dx; % first modified depth or y(i+1/2)=yold+.5*dx*f' A(i)=b*yy(i)+z*yy(i)^2; % Calculate new area but using yy which is ymod1 B(i)=b+2*z*yy(i); % Calculate new top width but using yy which is ymod1 P(i)=b+2*yy(i)*sqrt(1+z^2); % Calculate new wetted perimeter but using yy which is ymod1 R(i)=A(i)/P(i); V(i)=Q/A(i); Sf(i)=n^2*V(i)^2/(R(i)^(4/3)); ff(i)=(s-Sf(i))/(1-Q^2*B(i)/9.81/A(i)^3); %Calculate new dy/dx but using yy which is ymod1 Y(i+1)=Y(i)+ff(i)*dx; % Calcualte final y which is yold+f'(y(i+1/2))*dx BedElev(i+1)=-dx*(i)*s; % Bed elevation for plotting purpose WaterElev(i+1)=BedElev(i+1)+Y(i+1); % Water surface elevation for plotting purpose X(i+1)=dx*i; % X: distance along the channel in (m) end CriticalElev=BedElev.*1.0+criticaldepth(1); % get the critical depth line for plotting purpose NormalElev=BedElev.*1.0+normaldepth(1); % get the normal depth line for plotting purpose Yfinalm=Y(i+1); figure(1); plot(X,BedElev,'k-','LineWidth',2); hold; plot (X,WaterElev,'LineWidth',2); plot(X,CriticalElev,'-.r') plot(X,NormalElev,'--m' ) h = legend('Bed','Water Surface','Critical Depth Line','Normal Depth Line',1); xlabel('Length(m)'); ylabel('Elevation(m)'); title('Water Surface Profile'); XY=[X' BedElev' WaterElev']; d = {'X', 'Bed Elev','WaterElev'}; dir=pwd; xlswrite('water depth.xlsx',d, 'WaterSurface' ,'A1') xlswrite('water depth.xlsx',XY,'WaterSurface','A2');
From: TideMan on 15 Nov 2009 05:14 On Nov 15, 6:19 pm, PiYaL <yasha...(a)> wrote: > I need a matlab scripts developed for >>>improved euler method, > standard step method and fourth order Runge kutta method and > simultaneous solution method. > USING EACH METHOD >M1, M2, and S3 profiles has to be plotted . Plots > should contain bed elevation , normal depth, critical depth > case of M1 profile , set the downstream depth as 2*Yn and in case of > M2 profile the downstream depth 1.05*Yc and in case of S3 profile > Upstream depth as 0.05m. > > The below sample script done for modified euler method>> > Thanks in advance. > > % Calculating the Normal and Critical Depth for Different Open Channel > % Cross Sections. > > % Parameters for Trapezoidal, Rectangular, and Triangular Cross > Section > clear all; > Q=100; %Discharge (m^3/s) > s=0.00025; %Bottom slope > n=0.040; %Manning Roughness Coefficient > yinitial=0.1; %Initial Guess to start the iterations > %% Normal and Critical Depths Calculation > > %Loop for Normal Depth > > for j=1:3 > b=[10 50 0]; %Bottom Width (m) for Trap, Rect, Tria. x- > sec. respectively. > z=[1.0 0.0 1.0]; %Side Slope for Trapezoidal, > Rectangular, and Triangular X-sec respectively. > y(1)=yinitial; > i=1; > dy(1)=1e-1; > while (abs(dy(i))>1e-3) > A(i)=b(j)*y(i)+z(j)*(y(i))^2; > P(i)=b(j)+2*(z(j)^2+1)^(0.50)*y(i); > R(i)=A(i)/(P(i)); > f(i)=sqrt(s)/n*(A(i)*R(i)^(2/3))-Q; % function > ff(i)=sqrt(s)/n*((-4/3)*R(i)^(5/3)*sqrt(1+z(j)^2)+5/3*R(i)^ > (2/3)*(b(j)+2*z(j)*y(i))); % f' Derivative > y(i+1)=y(i)-f(i)/ff(i); > dy(i+1)=-f(i)/ff(i); > i=i+1; > end > normaldepth(j)=y(i); > conv(j)=i; > > end > > for j=1:3 %Side Slope for Trapezoidal, Rectangular, and > Triangular X-sec respectively. > %Loop for Critical Depth > alpha=1; > theta=0; > yc(1)=yinitial; > ic=1; > dyc(1)=1e-1; > while (abs(dyc(ic))>1e-3) > > Ac(ic)=b(j)*yc(ic)+z(j)*(yc(ic))^2; > Bc(ic)=b(j)+2*z(j)*yc(ic); > Pc(ic)=b(j)+2*(z(j)^2+1)^(0.50)*yc(ic); > Rc(ic)=Ac(ic)/(Pc(ic)); > Dc(ic)=Ac(ic)/(b(j)+2*z(j)*yc(ic)); > fc(ic)=Ac(ic)^(3/2)*Bc(ic)^(-1/2)-Q/sqrt(9.81/alpha); % > function > ffc(ic)=Ac(ic)^(3/2)*(-1/2)*Bc(ic)^(-3/2)*2*z(j)+Bc(ic)^(-1/2)* > (3/2)*Ac(ic)^(1/2)*Bc(ic); % f' Derivative > yc(ic+1)=yc(ic)-fc(ic)/ffc(ic); > dyc(ic+1)=-fc(ic)/ffc(ic); > ic=ic+1; > end > criticaldepth(j)=yc(ic); > convc(j)=ic; > end > %% Water Surface Calculations > > dx=2.0; %Interval in channel direction > Y =2.0*normaldepth(1); %Initial Water Depth at the control location > %Y =1.05*criticaldepth(1); > %Y=0.05; > Dir ='U'; %direction of solution : Upstream(U) or > Downstream(D)?', 's'); > if Dir == 'U'; > dx=-dx; > end > L=40000; %total length of the channel > Nx=round(abs(L/dx)); > BedElev(1)=0; %Begining of Bed Elevation > WaterElev(1)=Y(1); %Begining of Water Elevation > b=b(1); % channel bottom width for Trap. > Section > z=z(1); % Side Slope for Trap. Section > for i=1:Nx; > A(i)=b*Y(i)+z*Y(i)^2; % Area m^2 > B(i)=b+2*z*Y(i); % Top Width > P(i)=b+2*Y(i)*sqrt(1+z^2); % Wetted Perimeter > R(i)=A(i)/P(i); % Hydr. radius > V(i)=Q/A(i); % Velocity > Sf(i)=n^2*V(i)^2/(R(i)^(4/3)); % Energy slope > f(i)=(s-Sf(i))/(1-Q^2*B(i)/9.81/A(i)^3); % dy/dx=f=(s-sf/(1-fr^2)) > yy(i)=Y(i)+0.5*f(i)*dx; % first modified depth or > y(i+1/2)=yold+.5*dx*f' > A(i)=b*yy(i)+z*yy(i)^2; % Calculate new area but > using yy which is ymod1 > B(i)=b+2*z*yy(i); % Calculate new top width > but using yy which is ymod1 > P(i)=b+2*yy(i)*sqrt(1+z^2); % Calculate new wetted > perimeter but using yy which is ymod1 > R(i)=A(i)/P(i); > V(i)=Q/A(i); > Sf(i)=n^2*V(i)^2/(R(i)^(4/3)); > ff(i)=(s-Sf(i))/(1-Q^2*B(i)/9.81/A(i)^3); %Calculate new dy/dx but > using yy which is ymod1 > Y(i+1)=Y(i)+ff(i)*dx; % Calcualte final y > which is yold+f'(y(i+1/2))*dx > BedElev(i+1)=-dx*(i)*s; % Bed elevation > for plotting purpose > WaterElev(i+1)=BedElev(i+1)+Y(i+1); % Water > surface elevation for plotting purpose > X(i+1)=dx*i; % X: distance along > the channel in (m) > end > CriticalElev=BedElev.*1.0+criticaldepth(1); % get the critical depth > line for plotting purpose > NormalElev=BedElev.*1.0+normaldepth(1); % get the normal depth > line for plotting purpose > Yfinalm=Y(i+1); > figure(1); > plot(X,BedElev,'k-','LineWidth',2); hold; > plot (X,WaterElev,'LineWidth',2); > plot(X,CriticalElev,'-.r') > plot(X,NormalElev,'--m' ) > h = legend('Bed','Water Surface','Critical Depth Line','Normal Depth > Line',1); > xlabel('Length(m)'); > ylabel('Elevation(m)'); > title('Water Surface Profile'); > XY=[X' BedElev' WaterElev']; > d = {'X', 'Bed Elev','WaterElev'}; > dir=pwd; > xlswrite('water depth.xlsx',d, 'WaterSurface' ,'A1') > xlswrite('water depth.xlsx',XY,'WaterSurface','A2'); I recommend that you get a hold of Henderson's textbook "Open Channel Flow". It's very old (1966), but it has all you need to do this homework assignment. At least, I found it did, back in 1968 when I had the same assignment as you have. But we didn't have Matlab back then. Only Fortran, using Hollerith cards on an IBM mainframe.
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