Prev: [IF loop] OPENDATASOURCE reads file even if conditions not met?
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From: Eric Isaacs on 20 Jul 2010 16:05 > IF (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ##load WHERE filelist = 'test2.xls') =1 > AND (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ##load WHERE filelist = 'test.xls') = 0 > BEGIN > if object_id('tempdb..mytest') is not null > drop table tempdb..mytest > > SELECT * > INTO tempdb.dbo.mytest > FROM OPENDATASOURCE( 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0', > 'Data Source="c:\test\test.xls"; > Extended properties=Excel 8.0')...[Sheet1$] > > END From what I'm seeing above, it looks to see if test2.xls exists and if test.xls does not exist and if both cases are true, then it opens the one that doesn't exist. (text.xls). -Eric Isaacs
From: John Bell on 20 Jul 2010 17:25 On Tue, 20 Jul 2010 11:51:17 -0700 (PDT), M Bourgon <bourgon(a)> wrote: >Here's a puzzler. Not sure why I haven't run into this problem >before. > >I'm loading files that may or may not exist. So I do a directory >listing, and if the file exists I import it. However, even if the >file doesn't exist, it looks like the OPENDATASOURCE is run, and it >fails because there's no file to import. > >You can run this on your machine, you don't need to create any files >since it's supposed to skip the load if files exist. >I'm running this on SQL Server 2005 SP3 x32, though SQL Server 2008 >x64 gives the error that the OLEDB provider hasn't been registered. > >Only idea I have is that it wants to check things out for the query >optimizer - if I wrap it in an EXEC ('select *...') then it works as >expected. > > >USE tempdb > >if object_id('tempdb..##load') is not null > drop table ##load >CREATE TABLE ##load (id INT IDENTITY, filelist VARCHAR(255)) > >insert into ##load EXEC master..xp_cmdshell 'dir /b c:\test >\test*.xls' >DELETE FROM ##load WHERE FILELIST IS NULL OR FILELIST = '' OR FILELIST >LIKE '%NOT FOUND%' > > >IF (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ##load WHERE filelist = 'test2.xls') =1 >AND (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ##load WHERE filelist = 'test.xls') = 0 >BEGIN > if object_id('tempdb..mytest') is not null > drop table tempdb..mytest > > SELECT * > INTO tempdb.dbo.mytest > FROM OPENDATASOURCE( 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0', > 'Data Source="c:\test\test.xls"; > Extended properties=Excel 8.0')...[Sheet1$] > >END If test.xls does not exists then (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ##load WHERE filelist = 'test.xls') = 0 so why are you trying to load it? You may want to try: IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM ##load WHERE filelist = 'test2.xls') AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM ##load WHERE filelist = 'test.xls') BEGIN SELECT 'test.xls does not exist by test2.xls does' END John
From: Erland Sommarskog on 20 Jul 2010 17:51 M Bourgon (bourgon(a) writes: > I'm loading files that may or may not exist. So I do a directory > listing, and if the file exists I import it. However, even if the > file doesn't exist, it looks like the OPENDATASOURCE is run, and it > fails because there's no file to import. Yes, OPENDATASOURCE has to be executed at compile time, since else SQL Server cannot determine what data types etc SELECT statement will return. Although admittedly, this is a little inconsistent, since if you in place of OPENDATASOURCE would put "nonexistingtable" SQL Server would keep its mouth shut because of deferred name resolution. (Which is a big misfeature in my opinion. Deferred name resolution.) You can work around the problem by putting the select in EXEC(). -- Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP, esquel(a) Links for SQL Server Books Online: SQL 2008: SQL 2005: SQL 2000:
From: M Bourgon on 21 Jul 2010 17:14 On Jul 20, 4:51 pm, Erland Sommarskog <esq...(a)> wrote: > Yes, OPENDATASOURCE has to be executed at compile time, since else > SQL Server cannot determine what data types etc SELECT statement > will return. > You can work around the problem by putting the select in EXEC(). That's what I thought, but it's nice to know why and confirm the workaround. Unexpected behavior on SQL's part. Thanks, sir.
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