From: script||die on

I've got tor and privoxy installed and made me some dropdown menus on
the panel to start/stop them at will (don't like canned buttons that do
things I neither understand nor see at all times). Next I'll make some
scripts that start/stop both of them with the same click.

I've got some config work done including

/etc/privoxy links to /var/lib/privoxy/etc
where /var/lib/privoxy/etc/config includes
forward-socks5 /

Manual Proxy config: checked, port 8118
Use this proxy server for all protocols: checked
No Proxy for: localhost,

Is there anything else to do, and how can I check that all is working? I
can check to see if the two progs are running, and I know there's a tor
checksite but I want to make sure that privoxy is doing it's thing in
there as well.

Also, how would I setup FF to use tor only without privoxy if privoxy is


Speaking of menus I miss the kde3 way of being able to drag a folder to
the panel as a quick browser and have the subfolders branch out from the
droplist as a menu should. Sofar in kde4 I've only been able to get
SUBfolders to open up separately as file manager windows.