From: OsherD on
From Osher Doctorow

In Quantum Gravity 362.8, I found that Chaos appears to be the
opposite of Memory through time, following the equation:

1) P{(A-->B)(A<-->B) ' } = 1 - P(B-->A)

where the left-hand side is the probability of Memory as non-
simultaneous Causation through time of B by A, and the right hand side
is the probability of B Causing A.

Presidents Carter, Clinton, and Obama in sequence are increasingly
Chaotic according to this equation by REVERSING their promises when
Elected. Indeed, an Election, if assumed to reflect the Public's
decision-making not only during Election time but during the term of
office of the person Elected, results in Chaos if the person Elected
keeps reversing himself on either promises or Public assumptions
regarding the Election.

For example, almost all Presidents since Theodore Roosevelt (and
arguably since our first President, George Washington) are elected
arguably for either Jobs or Self-Defense. The Public assumes that,
arguably. Yet Carter's Administration was marked by concern for
neither, and his lobbying for nations in the Middle East after leaving
office was even more "reversed". Clinton came into office on a Jobs
platform (promises), and reversed himself within 3 months after
Election, adopting instead his Vice President Gore's "green
environment" program. But Obama has been the most perpetually
REVERSING President of the three in his short term in office so far.
He reversed himself on Self-Defense AND on Jobs, having been elected
on the assumption of top priority for Jobs and top priority for ending
the Middle East Wars. He has also gone against the majority of the
Public on almost all Constitutional issues, including the intents of
the "Founding Fathers" such as the first four Presidents of the USA,
as well as against the majority of the Public on Religion, family
values, Jobs, and the Wars.

Does a President who is extremely CHAOTIC reflect insanity? This is
certainly arguably an explanation. Another explanation is obtained by
looking at the main group that influenced his Election, namely the
billionaire-government alliance comprised of many members of the
Council on Foreign Relations or CFR (look it up online, especially the
Wikipedia article), Trilateral Commission, even arguably the
Bilderberg group. The Rockefellers, Soros, and other billionaires
have been prominent in those groups. The billionaire-government
alliance appears to believe in U.N. type world government with
themselves as behind-the-scenes influencers or even preferably
directors. Since they are not Elected, this is equivalent to being
World Dictators. They "buy" and/or form political groups, News Media,
Entertainment Media, Academic groups, Minority Ethnic and Sexual and
Criminal-Defense groups, and thereby won Congress in 2006 for the
Democrats and the Presidency in 2008 for the Democrats. This is
contrary to the assumptions or intents of the Founding Fathers,
including the implicit assumption that News Media will not be bought
by a small Anti-Constitution group.

Osher Doctorow