From: Gediz GÜRSU on 16 Feb 2010 10:29 Good Day Everyone; 1) What is the theoretical low limit of error in MATLAB ? I am trying to increase solution accuracy of an ode related forced vibration 'D2x+x=cos(2*pi*t)' As you see its simple, lineer mass and spring system forced at 1 Hz Freq. The Approach I use I am solving this system using ode113 with options RelTol=realmin AbsTol=realmin for IC [0 0] and tspan [0 10] (num) symbolic solver dsolve same IC and same tspan (analytic) Then I interpolate results to a T_INTP=0:0.01:10 vector; and plot absolute error err=abs(Xnum-Xan)./Xan; However I cant get lower error than 1e-11; And error increases at stationary points close to zero dramatically. Is this error checking correct ? Can we change machine epsylon ? Is getting an error around 1e-64 possible and how ? Please advise ... Thank You Gediz GURSU PS: I read all help files. After Grasping the error and tolerances issue I ll planning to MDOF Nonlinear system to simulate energy transition. So I need to understand this part firmly.
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