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From: Corky-G on 20 May 2010 18:44 Is there any way to change the default program icons to custom icons in Office 2010? This was possible in 2003 & 2007, but I can't make it work in 2010. -- Corky-G Tucson, AZ
From: Harlan Grove on 22 May 2010 16:35
Corky-G <Cor...(a)> wrote... >Is there any way to change the default program icons to custom icons in >Office 2010? This was possible in 2003 & 2007, but I can't make it work in >2010. Do you mean the Office programs themselves or Office documents? If the programs, you could use a resource editor (like the free RESHACKER) to change the icons within the .EXE files, but that may be technically illegal. IOW, it would constitute altering those files, but I doubt whether any government would prosecute or MSFT sue if that's all an individual did. If you mean shortcuts to the Office programs, if the ones the Office install created can't be modified, create your own by copying any of the Office .EXE files then pasting shortcuts to them elsewhere. You should be able to change the icons in shortcuts you create in folders for which you have read-write access. If you mean document files, have your system administrators locked down file type associations via group policies? If so, there'd be no simple way to change the default icons. If not, you should be able to customize file type properties in Windows Explorer. Have you tried doing so and it's failed? |