From: Thomas von Wantoch on 5 May 2010 10:40 Hello, I am trying to estimate the parameters of a second order system of the form: d^2/dt^2 (x) + 2*d*w0 d/dt (x) + w0^2 x = k u The parameters to be estimated during the process are w0^2 and 2*d*w0, i.e. the eigenfrequency and the damping of the oscillating system. The measurement value is x. To estimate this values online I formulated this process as a fourth order nonlinear state space modell (state space vector: [x d/dt (x) w01^2 2*d*w0]) with the common assumptions: d/dt (w01^2) = 0 d/dt (2*d*w0) = 0 Based on this modell I developed an Extended Kalman Filter (Kalman-Bucy Filter for continuous time) for online estimation of the state space vector. The simulation in Simulink works great for some parameter combinations (e.g. w0=2 rad/sec, d=0.1). The problem I encountered is that for parameter values in the range of the real process values (w0 around 1800 rad/sec, d around 10^-5) the estimation is not working or unstable. I suppose the problem is numerical but I am not really sure. I tried to avoid this problem by transforming the state space vector with a constant diagonal Matrix, a logarithmic scale for the parameters and a time-scaled representation for w0 (w1=w0/wn). But none of these modifications really solves this issue. Thanks a lot for any suggestion. Thomas
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