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From: nmm1 on 13 Jul 2010 15:30 In article <1jlknxk.1y87czkrrc4okN%see(a)sig.for.address>, Victor Eijkhout <see(a)sig.for.address> wrote: >Colin Watters <boss(a)> wrote: > >> OpenMP's single process means little or no communications overhead. > >OpenMP has thread overhead. Not to mention core affinity problems. The >communications in MPI can (often) be hidden behind computations. It's wrong at a more basic level, too. There is a large (and sometimes VERY large) communications overhead in OpenMP when transferring data between threads. On some systems, it can actually be larger than the overhead of an MPI message, though I have not personally measured that effect. The problem is, of course, the cache hierarchy. Regards, Nick Maclaren.
From: sturlamolden on 14 Jul 2010 09:33 On 13 Jul, 21:30, n...(a) wrote: > It's wrong at a more basic level, too. There is a large (and > sometimes VERY large) communications overhead in OpenMP when > transferring data between threads. On some systems, it can > actually be larger than the overhead of an MPI message, though > I have not personally measured that effect. The problem is, of > course, the cache hierarchy. That may very well be true. I have also the impression that multiple processes tend to perform better than threads. Threads have problems due to cache synchronization between processors, false sharing, etc. While threads share the same virtual memory space, they still have to communicate if they run on different processors. This seems to be generally forgotten. Many programmer believe as threads share memory, they need only synchronization and no other communication. Also, a human who knows the intent can be better at figuring out what needs to be communicated. Programs using MPI often actively tries to amortize the communication overhead using information available to the programmer. With OpenMP the programmer can do very little to control the amount of communication, except try to avoid sharing of arrays between threads. But there ends the advantage of MPI. From my point of view, programming with OpenMP is a substantially easier burden. The code is written as usual, debugged, verified, and then !$omp comments are added to aid the compiler. So OpenMP moves a lot of the nitty gritty details to the compiler. And while OpenMP is just comments, that can be ignored, code written for MPI will depend on MPI's commucation API, such as MPI_Send, MPI_Recv, etc. That speaks strongly in favour of OpenMP. Yes we might loose performance compared to MPI; but coding is easier; there are less room for mistakes; less room for deadlocks, livelocks and annoyances that plague MPI development; bugs are easier to squash; and it just feels right. In disfavour we e.g. have issues with OpenMP on clusters. OpenMP uses a "shared memory" model, which is harder to implement on a cluster architecture. But it has been done too.
From: Victor Eijkhout on 14 Jul 2010 09:54 sturlamolden <sturlamolden(a)> wrote: > OpenMP uses a > "shared memory" model, which is harder to implement on a cluster > architecture. But it has been done too. What are you thinking of? Victor. -- Victor Eijkhout -- eijkhout at tacc utexas edu
From: nmm1 on 14 Jul 2010 09:56 In article <9d546251-449e-41b2-b55a-5144515cef07(a)>, sturlamolden <sturlamolden(a)> wrote: > >From my point of view, programming with OpenMP is a substantially >easier burden. The code is written as usual, debugged, verified, and >then !$omp comments are added to aid the compiler. So OpenMP moves a >lot of the nitty gritty details to the compiler. And while OpenMP is >just comments, that can be ignored, code written for MPI will depend >on MPI's commucation API, such as MPI_Send, MPI_Recv, etc. That speaks >strongly in favour of OpenMP. That's only if you use a very restricted subset of OpenMP. As soon as you use most of the more advanced features of it, it's no different from MPI. And there's a worse problem - you need to handle many of the fancier features of C/C++ and even Fortran specially for OpenMP, even more so than for MPI. I/O to or from the standard units is the main example, but anything with thread-specific state (e.g. IEEE 754 flags) is similar. And, with OpenMP, you don't always control which thread is used to execute code! >Yes we might loose performance compared >to MPI; but coding is easier; there are less room for mistakes; less >room for deadlocks, livelocks and annoyances that plague MPI >development; bugs are easier to squash; and it just feels right. Er, no, sorry. There is MORE room for mistakes, deadlocks, livelocks and race conditions. Most of the people I know of who have tried OpenMP have hit a failure caused by those, completely failed to locate it, and gone back to MPI because it's easier. You either have a very simple task, or are doing very well. And that's in Fortran - no sane person wants to get me started on the (using undefined) interactions between C/C++ and OpenMP. Regards, Nick Maclaren.
From: nmm1 on 14 Jul 2010 09:57
In article <1jlm3dl.110jatrru0ngcN%see(a)sig.for.address>, Victor Eijkhout <see(a)sig.for.address> wrote: >sturlamolden <sturlamolden(a)> wrote: > >> OpenMP uses a >> "shared memory" model, which is harder to implement on a cluster >> architecture. But it has been done too. > >What are you thinking of? Intel Cluster Tools. Regards, Nick Maclaren. |