From: Liva Micule on 3 Mar 2010 08:40 Hi! I have a problem with estimating parametres b and r. I have integral approximation with Gauss-Hermite quadrature using abscissas (in code xx) and weights (ww). And now I must optimize the log-likelihood function using quasi-Newton method. Here, I wrote what my function (lt) looks like. dt=load('dt.txt'); % Number of defaults nt=load('nt.txt'); % Borrowers sum=0; lt=0; syms b r real n=20; t=47; F=sym(zeros(n,1)); sum1=sym(zeros(n,1)); ln=sym(zeros(t,1)); for t=1:t, for k=1:n, e=exp((b-sqrt(2*r)*xx(k))/sqrt(1-r)); F(k)=e/(1+e); sum1(k)=ww(k,1)*F(k)^dt(t)*(1-F(k))^(nt(k)-dt(k))*(exp(-xx(k)^2)/sqrt(pi)); sum=sum1(k)+sum; end; ln(t)=log(sum); lt=lt+ln(t); end; There is NEWTON METHOD, but it doesn't work. I'm beginner in Matlab, I really need your help. n=30; clf; syms b r real dif1_b=diff(lt,'b'); dif1_r=diff(lt,'r'); H=jacobian(jacobian(lt)); nn = n; if n <= 0, nn = 100; end v = [-3;0]; fprintf('\n n point\n\n') for i=0:nn fprintf(1,'%3d ',i) fprintf(1,'%5.4f ',v') fprintf(1,'\n') if n <= 0, disp('Press any key to continue. . .'), pause;end db=subs(dif1_b,{b,r},{v(1),v(2)}); dr=subs(dif1_r,{b,r},{v(1),v(2)}); H=subs(H,{b,r},{v(1),v(2)}); w = [db;dr]; A = [H]; v = v - A\w; end; Best, Liva
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