From: John D'Errico on
James Waldby <no(a)> wrote in message <hqv09k$vmu$2(a)>...

> Actually, cost of sorting should be trivial, on both (1) a practical
> basis and (2) a relative-cost basis. (1): For example, my 2GHz
> machine takes about 150 microseconds to sort an array of 500 doubles.
> (2): Given an n x n array with n eigenvalues, the cost of sorting the
> n eigenvalues should not exceed O(n ln n), which for large n is swamped
> by the O(n^3) or O(n^2) cost, whichever it is, of computing them.
> [As I understand it, shifted-QR with deflation will have at least one
> O(n^3) step, an initial Hessenberg calculation, but if you somehow avoid
> that step, it will have an O(n^2) cost per implicit QR iteration.]

NO. The sort is not the point. Sorting does not solve the
problem of tracking eigenvalues that vary parametrically.

Speed is irrelevant if the sort gives the wrong answer.
