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From: Jeff Nielsen on 24 Feb 2010 15:14 I am looking for the best proc to analyize non-uniform ordinal data. The trial is a randomized block design with 4 replications. The treatments are 4 different varieties of sugarbeet each having differing resistance to the disease. At the time of harvest we sub-sample 20 roots and give them a rating based on the following scale. 0= clean no visiable lesions 1= Superficial scattered non active lesions 2= active lesions affecting < 5% of the root 3= extensive lesions affecting 6-25% of the root 4= extensive rot 26-50% of the upper half of the root with cankers 5= > 50% of the root blackend with rot to the interior of root 6= entire root blackened except the tip 7= 100% rotted and the plant is dead As you can see by the scale there is a great difference between the ratings that does not carry over to a simple percentage conversion. historically we take an average for the 20 roots and come up with a mean for the plot. Should we be analizing all 20 roots, I dont know the answer. All help and suggestions appreciated thanks Jeff
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