From: Kaba on
Robert Israel wrote:
> > Can you see a way to approach this problem?
> If a solution of the non-oriented version has det(A) > 0, then
> that does it. Otherwise, there will be no solution.
> But you might want to make the constraint det(A) >= 0, in which case
> you might get a solution with det(A) = 0 using a Lagrange multiplier.

Yes, I actually meant det(A) >= 0. How do you know the minimizing A must
have det(A) = 0?

From: Kaba on
Robert Israel wrote:
> Kaba <none(a)> writes:
> > > E = sum_{i = 1}^n || Ap_i - r_i ||^2

> note that the objective
> is convex in A, so any local minimum is a global minimum.

I can't see that E is convex in A:

x = Ap_i - r_i
y = Bp_i - r_i
t in [0, 1] subset R

<((1 - t)A + tB)p_i - r_i>
= <(1 - t)(Ap_i - r_i) + t(Bp_i - r_i)>
= <(1 - t)x + ty>
= (1 - t)^2 <x> + 2t(1 - t)<x, y> + t^2 <y>


<= (1 - t) <x> + t<y>

From: Kaba on
Kaba wrote:
> Robert Israel wrote:
> > > Can you see a way to approach this problem?
> >
> > If a solution of the non-oriented version has det(A) > 0, then
> > that does it. Otherwise, there will be no solution.
> > But you might want to make the constraint det(A) >= 0, in which case
> > you might get a solution with det(A) = 0 using a Lagrange multiplier.
> Yes, I actually meant det(A) >= 0. How do you know the minimizing A must
> have det(A) = 0?

Oh, I see: this follows from the convexity of E. Assume the non-oriented
solution A' has det(A') < 0. Then if the oriented solution A has
det(A) > 0, we can interpolate between A' and A to give smaller E,
contradicting minimality. Now I just need a proof for the convexity of

From: Kaba on
Kaba wrote:
> Robert Israel wrote:
> > Kaba <none(a)> writes:
> > > > E = sum_{i = 1}^n || Ap_i - r_i ||^2
> > note that the objective
> > is convex in A, so any local minimum is a global minimum.
> I can't see that E is convex in A:
> Let
> x = Ap_i - r_i
> y = Bp_i - r_i
> t in [0, 1] subset R
> <((1 - t)A + tB)p_i - r_i>
> = <(1 - t)(Ap_i - r_i) + t(Bp_i - r_i)>
> = <(1 - t)x + ty>
> = (1 - t)^2 <x> + 2t(1 - t)<x, y> + t^2 <y>

= <x> - 2t <x> + t^2 <x> + t^2 <y> + 2t(1 - t)<x, y>
= (1 - t)<x> - t<x> + t^2 <x> + (t<y> - t<y>) +
t^2 <y> + 2t(1 - t)<x, y>
= (1 - t)<x> + t<y> - t(1 - t)(<x> + <y>) + 2t(1 - t)<x, y>
= (1 - t)<x> + t<y> - t(1 - t)(<x> + <y> - 2<x, y>)
= (1 - t)<x> + t<y> - t(1 - t)(<x - y>)
<= (1 - t)<x> + t<y>

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