From: Jackson Shen on
I think it could be more than these. I have the same issue. Even I clear all the memory in Matlab. It still has the same problem.

>> memory
Maximum possible array: 1024 MB (1.073e+009 bytes) *
Memory available for all arrays: 2488 MB (2.609e+009 bytes) **
Memory used by MATLAB: 330 MB (3.464e+008 bytes)
Physical Memory (RAM): 2012 MB (2.110e+009 bytes)

>> figure;
Out of Windows Resources: Allocation of bitmap failed. Disabling backingstore for current figure.
>> clear all
>> close all
>> figure;
>> figure;
>> figure;
>> figure;
>> figure;
Out of Windows Resources: Allocation of bitmap failed. Disabling backingstore for current figure.
>> figure;
Out of Windows Resources: Allocation of bitmap failed. Disabling backingstore for current figure.
From: Jackson Shen on
If I use the following code, it will be alright.

h = figure('renderer','opengl');