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From: Generic Usenet Account on 13 Aug 2010 01:12 On Aug 11, 7:31 pm, Zahid Faizal <zahidfai...(a)> wrote: > The news of Vinay Deolalikar possibly proving that P not-equals NP > prompted me to again attempt to come up with a layman definition of > these terms (not the formal definitions, which are confusing and > circular). Kindly correct me if I am wrong. <snip> > > Thanks, > Zahid I wonder if there are examples of problems that can be solved efficiently but not verified efficiently. Thanks, Gus
From: Tim Little on 13 Aug 2010 05:51
On 2010-08-13, Generic Usenet Account <usenet(a)> wrote: > I wonder if there are examples of problems that can be solved > efficiently but not verified efficiently. Sure: "find a Turing machine that halts". Or less impossibly, "find a graph with a Hamiltonian path". - Tim |