From: Torsten Hennig on
> That modicfication made my answer a lot more
> reasonable. Thank you. My last question is this: the
> units for all of the terms are in W/m^3 except for
> the last term of h(Text-T) which has units of W/m^2.
> Do I need to divide by the plate thickness for this
> term as well to get the correct units?
> Thank you so much for your help,
> Meagan

Hi Meagan,

if the plate is cooled from both sides, you have to
2/(thickness of the plate)*h*(Text-T) ;
if it is cooled only from one side, you have to replace
1/(thickness of the plate)*h*(Text-T) ;
if it is cooled differently from up and down,
you have to replace
h*(Text-T) by
(h_up*(Text_up-T) + h_down*(Text_down-T))/
(thickness of the plate).

Best wishes