From: DDFrank on 10 Jun 2010 10:11 Hi I am trying to write a script which reads a list of servers from a txt document and then PING each server. It reads the file and adds each server, in turn, to a variable. When I try to run an object which incorporates running PING and should PING the variable content (the server name) it fails to be able to read the contents of the variable. How can I get this to work? I have tried all sorts of scenarios, by changing the syntax and even tried to use a Function but get the same results. DO While ObjTS.AtEndOfStream<>True stroutput = objTS.Readline Set ObjExec = Objshell.exec("ping.exe stroutput") strPingResults = LCase(objExec.StdOut.ReadAll) If InStr(strPingResults, "reply from") Then WScript.Echo stroutput & " responded to ping." Else WScript.Echo stroutput & " did not respond to ping." End If 'script continues Loop
From: Tom Lavedas on 10 Jun 2010 11:16 On Jun 10, 10:11 am, DDFrank <DDFr...(a)> wrote: > Hi > > I am trying to write a script which reads a list of servers from a txt > document and then PING each server. It reads the file and adds each server, > in turn, to a variable. When I try to run an object which incorporates > running PING and should PING the variable content (the server name) it fails > to be able to read the contents of the variable. How can I get this to work? > I have tried all sorts of scenarios, by changing the syntax and even tried to > use a Function but get the same results. > > DO While ObjTS.AtEndOfStream<>True > stroutput = objTS.Readline > Set ObjExec = Objshell.exec("ping.exe stroutput") > > strPingResults = LCase(objExec.StdOut.ReadAll) > > If InStr(strPingResults, "reply from") Then > WScript.Echo stroutput & " responded to ping." > Else > WScript.Echo stroutput & " did not respond to ping." > End If > > 'script continues > > Loop Here is an old routine that doesn't require the Exec or file reading ... If isconnectible(stroutput , 1,250) Then WScript.Echo stroutput & " responded to ping." Else WScript.Echo stroutput & " did not respond to ping." End If Function IsConnectible(sHost, iPings, iTO) ' Returns True or False based on the output from ping.exe ' ' Authors: Alex Angelopoulos/Torgeir Bakken ' Modified by: Tom Lavedas ' Works an "all" WSH versions ' sHost is a hostname or IP ' iPings is number of ping attempts ' iTO is timeout in milliseconds ' if values are set to "", then defaults below used Dim nRes If iPings = "" Then iPings = 1 ' default number of pings If iTO = "" Then iTO = 250 ' default timeout per ping with CreateObject("WScript.Shell") nRes = .Run("%comspec% /c ping.exe -n " & iPings & " -w " & iTO _ & " " & sHost & " | find ""TTL="" > nul 2>&1", 0, True) end with IsConnectible = (nRes = 0) End Function For systems operating with XP or later, there is also a Win32_PingStatus class. An example from the MS Technet Script Center is as follows ... strMachines = "atl-dc-01;atl-win2k-01;atl-nt4-01;atl-dc-02" aMachines = split(strMachines, ";") For Each machine in aMachines Set objPing = GetObject("winmgmts: {impersonationLevel=impersonate}")._ ExecQuery("select * from Win32_PingStatus where address = '"_ & machine & "'") For Each objStatus in objPing If IsNull(objStatus.StatusCode) or objStatus.StatusCode<>0 Then WScript.Echo("machine " & machine & " is not reachable") End If Next Next Take your pick. _____________________ Tom Lavedas
From: Al Dunbar on 13 Jun 2010 18:43 "DDFrank" <DDFrank(a)> wrote in message news:4C97449E-F266-4DDE-B36E-915FF6DF05D9(a) > Hi > > I am trying to write a script which reads a list of servers from a txt > document and then PING each server. It reads the file and adds each > server, > in turn, to a variable. When I try to run an object which incorporates > running PING and should PING the variable content (the server name) it > fails > to be able to read the contents of the variable. How can I get this to > work? > I have tried all sorts of scenarios, by changing the syntax and even tried > to > use a Function but get the same results. > > DO While ObjTS.AtEndOfStream<>True > stroutput = objTS.Readline > Set ObjExec = Objshell.exec("ping.exe stroutput") Think about it - this is equivalent to typing this command: ping.exe stroutput ..Exec is not failing to read the contents of the variable, you are simply not telling it to use the variable contents but the variable name. Try this instead: Set ObjExec = Objshell.exec("ping.exe " & stroutput) /Al > strPingResults = LCase(objExec.StdOut.ReadAll) > > If InStr(strPingResults, "reply from") Then > WScript.Echo stroutput & " responded to ping." > Else > WScript.Echo stroutput & " did not respond to ping." > End If > > 'script continues > > Loop
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