From: The Magnet on

I've created some code that uses PL/SQL type of OBJECT. I used an
example I found. The code works fine, but I am trying to understand
exactly 'how' it works. Please see this:

create TYPE article_record_type AS OBJECT
(username VARCHAR2(30),
user_id NUMBER,
article_id NUMBER,
teaser_subject VARCHAR2(2000),
teaser_message CLOB,
total_articles NUMBER);

create TYPE article_table_type IS TABLE OF article_record_type;

FOR v_rec IN commentary_data(v_author_id, v_num_articles) LOOP
v_sub := v_sub + 1;
v_article_record(v_sub) := article_record_type(v_rec.username,
v_rec.user_id, v_rec.article_id,

v_rec.teaser_subject, v_rec.teaser_message,


OPEN p_data FOR SELECT * FROM TABLE (CAST (v_article_record AS

My confusion this this: I understand the CREATE TYPE commands. I
understand v_article_record being a table of article_table_type which
is in itself a record of article_record_type.

But where I assign values to v_article_record(v_sub), I do not
understand how the values in article_record_type get there?

v_article_record(v_sub) := article_record_type(v_rec.username,
v_rec.user_id, v_rec.article_id,

v_rec.teaser_subject, v_rec.teaser_message,



If v_article_record is of type article_table_type which is a table of
article_record_type, then why can't I use say:
_article_record(v_sub).username := v_rec.username. Why does it have
to be inside article_record_type.

I'm just trying to see how Oracle is relating all of this and how it
works and how the values relate to the OBJECT and such.
