From: Inverse 19 mathematics on
The reason your mathematics has to have the thousand theorems is
because there is no placement and order as in a confused jigsaw

We have proven placement and indirectly FLT(3 and 4 equalization)
etc, by placing numbers correctly, in the correct format 1:3; 1:6,
with -1 inverse tangent . As a result we have produced by our programs
and methods 170 million prime numbers that we DO NOT have to check
thier primality with convoluted alogarithms. Check this out, the 170
million pure prime numbers will be added in a day or two , but check
our program placement that produced the placed prime numbers that do
not need any verification till infinity. Not a single error ijn 170
million Prime numbers placement .. LINK as follows

" We have burnt your Mathematical Paris down along with your
unnecessary Theorems and Axioms, AND your great Mathematician Prof
Eddie Escultura PHD , Madison , Wisconsin, is so far silent on these
prime numbers . Speak now mathematicians!! or live in slient ignorance

This Mathematics and its method and computer programs have been
registered / recorded with Clay Mathematics, Cambridge , Mass and
Professor Richard Crandall, Reed College, Portland , Oregon.

Hope Research