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From: Lei on 3 Mar 2010 15:32 Guys I ran into this problem and couldnt figure out why, I am using the following code for one of my analysis where the response y is binary 0/1 and were repeated measure over time for each subject. proc glimmix data=a noclprint; class id; model y (descending) = tim / solution link=logit dist=binary; random intercept time/ subject=id; run; The code runs fine, but if I change dist=binary to dist=binomial, the run now could not converge. My understanding is that by looking at the log likelihood contribution from these two distribution, they ought to be the same, but why it converges for dist=binary, but not for dist=binomial? Just as an experiment, I tried method=laplace instead of default RSPL, both distributions converged and gave the identical result. What is going on here? Thanks for any input.. Lei |