From: The alMIGHTY N on
On Nov 29, 7:56 pm, YKhan <yjk...(a)> wrote:
> On Nov 28, 2:11 am, Benjamin Gawert <bgaw...(a)> wrote:
> > A 50GB flash drive still costs many times (magnitudes) more than a 50GB
> > Bluray disk, so it is highly unlikely that next consoles will use flash
> > as medium.
> I picked up a 16GB Class 6 (highest speed class) SDHC card for $20
> including shipping on Ebay. I'm sure it cost whoever was selling it
> much less for him to buy it.

An equally likely scenario is that they purchased them earlier and
were not able to turn them around and so settled for making very
little to no profit just unloading them on eBay.

> > Besides that, game publishers clearly aim to move from physical
> > distribution to electronic distribution, not only because it is cheaper,
> > but also because it allows them to kill the 2nd hand market (games are
> > locked to a console/user and can't be sold) and makes other licensing
> > models (like time-based licensing where you buy playtime) possible.
> That's entirely possible, and that's the reason they'd want to get rid
> of the optical drive. A small flash drive slot would be a much more
> cost effective non-permanent storage medium than a disk drive.
> Physical distribution isn't going away, just the optical disk physical
> distribution. And you can't rely on the Internet to download your
> games when you need them.

Optical discs are not going away anytime soon. Maybe for the
generation after next but we're definitely going to have some sort of
optical medium for the coming generation. It's just not cost effective
enough to use anything else right now.
From: First of One on
According to Wikipeda,
Put three of the "PPE" cores together and you end up with something very
similar to the X360's Xenon CPU. So if Sony kept the current architecture (1
PPE + 6 SPE) and simply added two more PPEs, it can probably double the
real-world CPU performance over the PS3.

"War is the continuation of politics by other means.
It can therefore be said that politics is war without
bloodshed while war is politics with bloodshed."

"The alMIGHTY N" <natlee75(a)> wrote in message
> On the other hand, isn't it still possible that they'd use some current
> variant of Cell to power their next console? There must have been
> developments to the processor since the launch of the PS3 3 years ago and
> it would allow them to not have to worry about forcing developers to learn
> yet another brand new architecture for the next generation...

From: Yousuf Khan on
The alMIGHTY N wrote:
> On Nov 26, 3:48 pm, Yousuf Khan <bbb...(a)> wrote:
>> Jim wrote:
>>> With IBM out x86+Larrabee looks more likely than PoweVR. Intel can make an
>>> offer Sony can't refuse.
>> Except that Larrabee isn't proven yet. PS4 can still go to a more
>> traditional regular PowerPC processor along with a traditional GPU,
>> making it more like the Xbox360.
> I'd love to read comments from the fanboys on BOTH sides of the fences
> on this one, haha...

Fanboys of what? Larrabee or PowerPC?

Yousuf Khan
From: Yousuf Khan on
The alMIGHTY N wrote:
> Wow. I hadn't read that. So much for Blig Merk's constant yabbering
> about how great Cell is.
> On the other hand, isn't it still possible that they'd use some
> current variant of Cell to power their next console? There must have
> been developments to the processor since the launch of the PS3 3 years
> ago and it would allow them to not have to worry about forcing
> developers to learn yet another brand new architecture for the next
> generation...

There was a small but significant revision to the core, where they
increased the double-precision floating point efficiency of the
processor. However, this was done to help out in the supercomputing
arena, not really relevant for gaming. Nor does it provide much
performance increase for gaming, since most gaming is done using
single-precision floating point.

One has to wonder how long Sony would be interested in using a core
that's never going to be revised anymore?

Yousuf Khan
From: The alMIGHTY N on
On Dec 1, 10:11 am, Yousuf Khan <bbb...(a)> wrote:
> The alMIGHTY N wrote:
> > On Nov 26, 3:48 pm, Yousuf Khan <bbb...(a)> wrote:
> >> Jim wrote:
> >>> With IBM out x86+Larrabee looks more likely than PoweVR.  Intel can make an
> >>> offer Sony can't refuse.
> >> Except that Larrabee isn't proven yet. PS4 can still go to a more
> >> traditional regular PowerPC processor along with a traditional GPU,
> >> making it more like the Xbox360.
> > I'd love to read comments from the fanboys on BOTH sides of the fences
> > on this one, haha...
> Fanboys of what? Larrabee or PowerPC?
>         Yousuf Khan


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