From: Nathan on

I have a complicated CFMX template that runs perfectly untill a larger
date-range is selected. I need to be able to run up to seventeen weeks
worth of data, but I get unresponsive page requests for date
combintations more than three weeks (i.e. week 1 through 3, week 9
through 11, etc. work ok. week 1 through 5 never returns). At first I
thought maybe some of my code was a problem - as listed below. But
other than the page not responding, everything appears to be as
expected: when I run the admin Server Monitor the queries each take
about 35 seconds; the timeout request tags are set in Application.cfm
and set in the template to 4800 seconds (2 hours); the total data
returned is really not that much data - a couple arrays of 1000s of
records each; the total memory usage never goes above about 50 MB; and
the total memory usage does appear to oscilate up and down repeatedly
over one-minute periods of time but does not appear to run-away in
ever-increasing amounts. Can anyone help?

My template goes like this (remember there are no errors or timeout
erros occurring)...
-Begin page...
-Run dyamic query based on report criteria selections...
-Loop through restuls and create a two X one-dimension arrays, and two
X comma-delimited-lists...
<cfloop from="1" to="[dynamically determined, about 9 to 27]"
<cfquery name="qry_#idx#"
SELECT [cols]
FROM [tables]
WHERE [most filters]
<cfloop from="1" to="[25 or less if the end is
[next sql sub_statement from an array
generated earlier in the code]
<cfoutput query="qry_#idx#">
<cfset st[ArrayLen(st)+1][1] = Evaluate
<cfset st[ArrayLen(st)][2] = Evaluate("qry_#idx#.column2")
<cfcatch type="any">
<display catch error>
<display catch message>
<cfloop from="1" to="#ArrayLen(st)#">
...output results...

Thank You For Your Time,
