From: Eef Hartman on
houghi <houghi(a)> wrote:
> top - 03:40:08 up 7 days, 6:01, 12 users, load average: 14.74, 14.87, 9.79
> Tasks: 339 total, 8 running, 318 sleeping, 0 stopped, 13 zombie
> Cpu(s): 5.3%us, 20.9%sy, 0.0%ni, 30.0%id, 43.5%wa, 0.0%hi, 0.2%si, 0.0%st
This sounds more like you need faster disks or whatever else it is waiting
FOR, not processing power. Over 40% of the CPU is used in waiting on
other peripherals to complete their tasks.

PS: 20% system time is also quite high, that is time spent "in the
kerneL" etc. For instance context switching (switching from one
task to another), but also most I/O is system initiated.
But anyway, you still got about 30% idle time, so the CPU isn't
the problem.
** Eef Hartman, Delft University of Technology, dept. SSC/ICT **
** e-mail: E.J.M.Hartman(a) - phone: +31-15-278 82525 **
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