From: Matthias on
Hi there,

I use David Park's packages (DrawGraphics and Presentations) together
with Ted Bergstrom's Simplex package. Both are great packages and
helped me a lot.

To me it seems that there is a conflict between the Simplex and the
Presentations package. Whenever I try to load SimplexDrawGraphics I
get the following error message:

SetDelayed::wrsym: "\!\(\*
StyleBox[\"\\\"Symbol \\\"\", \"MT\"]\)\!\(\*
StyleBox[\"SimplexBoundary\", \"MT\"]\)\!\(\* StyleBox[\"\"\", \"MT\"]
\) is Protected.

I tried to go back and use the DrawGraphics instead of the
Presentations package but this gives me the same error message.
Sometimes I also get the following message:

General::obspkg: "\!\(\*
StyleBox[\"\\\"Graphics`Colors`\\\"\", \"MT\"]\)\!\(\*
StyleBox[\"\"\", \"MT\"]\) is now obsolete.

Most things still work, e.g. SimplexDrawVectorField works perfectly.
But other things, like plotting some points in the simplex by using
SimplexListDraw don't work like they should. In the plot there is the
simplex and only some of the points but not all. Also, I cannot change
color or size of the points.

Does anyone of you use the two packages (Simplex and Presentations)
and has experienced similar problems?

Are there are modifications I have to make to the Simplex package in
order to work properly with the Presentation package and Mathematica
7? Or is there a newer version of the Simplex package?

Appreciate it!


From: Matthias on
Here is what I've found.

The file SimplexDrawGraphics.m starts with the following lines:

"DrawGraphics`DrawingField`", "DrawGraphics`DrawingCube`",

Since I prefer using the newer Presentations package instead of the
DrawGraphics package I replace "DrawGraphics" by "Presentations",
which works except for DrawingField because DrawingField.m is not part
of the Presentation package. Presumably it is not needed in
Mathematica 7. I deleted it (i.e. "DrawGraphics`DrawingField`") and
there are no problems so far.

Using the following command I can plot points in a two-dimensional
simplex. I can change their color but I cannot change the size (by
using Thickness).

Draw2D[{Thickness[0.01], Red, SimplexListDraw[{mylistofpoints}],
GrayLevel[0], SimplexBoundary}, PlotRange -> {{0, 1}, {0, 1}},
AspectRatio -> 1]

The function SimplexListDraw stems from Ted Bergstrom's package and is
defined as follows:

SimplexListDraw[list_, opts___?OptionQ] :=
Module[{cartesianList, output}, cartesianList = Map[Simplex2dCoord,
ListDraw[cartesianList, opts]]

Is there something wrong with ListDraw or are there other ways of
changing the size of points, besides the Thickness command?

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