From: kbr on

I have a bar plot with x-axis labels showing as 0.04, 0.06, 0.08, etc. How do I change these to 4%, 6%, 8%, etc.

Also, how do I show more digits to the right of the decimal? ie: 4.0% vs 4%?

From: Faraz Afzal on
"kbr" <karlruff(a)> wrote in message <i0693u$io7$1(a)>...
> Hello,
> I have a bar plot with x-axis labels showing as 0.04, 0.06, 0.08, etc. How do I change these to 4%, 6%, 8%, etc.
> Also, how do I show more digits to the right of the decimal? ie: 4.0% vs 4%?
> Thanks!

Hi Karl

after plotting your bar graph just use this and ur problem is solved..


Thats it.. I hope it helps.. Forget not to say Thanks..

Muhamamd Faraz
From: dpb on
kbr wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a bar plot with x-axis labels showing as 0.04, 0.06, 0.08, etc.
> How do I change these to 4%, 6%, 8%, etc.
> Also, how do I show more digits to the right of the decimal? ie: 4.0% vs
> 4%?

There may be an easier way I'm not thinking of but...

t = get(gca,'xticklabel'); % retrieve current labels
v = str2num(v)*100; % convert to percent numeric values
t = num2str(v,'%.1f%%', v); % convert to char array w/ % sign
set(gca,'xticklabel', t); % and write new labels

Salt to suit...

From: ImageAnalyst on
Shouldn't that be
v = str2num(t)*100; ???
From: dpb on
ImageAnalyst wrote:
> Shouldn't that be
> v = str2num(t)*100; ???

