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How to use $string=~s/(whatever)/${$i}/; with strict ref?
Hi, The following works without strict ref (withh perl 5.10 not 5.8) : my $i=1; my $string="teststring"; $string=~s/(test)/${$i}/; print "$string\n"; But fails to compile with error message "Can't use string ("1") as a SCALAR ref while "strict refs"" with strict ref. Is there a way to write it differently... 8 Jul 2010 14:43
FAQ 9.18 How do I decode a MIME/BASE64 string?
This is an excerpt from the latest version perlfaq9.pod, which comes with the standard Perl distribution. These postings aim to reduce the number of repeated questions as well as allow the community to review and update the answers. The latest version of the complete perlfaq is at . --------... 1 Jul 2010 06:40
FAQ 5.7 How do I make a temporary file name?
This is an excerpt from the latest version perlfaq5.pod, which comes with the standard Perl distribution. These postings aim to reduce the number of repeated questions as well as allow the community to review and update the answers. The latest version of the complete perlfaq is at . --------... 1 Jul 2010 00:11
The daemon helper, dh is its name
The daemon helper, dh is its name. It's a small C program that starts any program or shell command as a daemon, then gets out of the way. Yes I know there are various others. But this is one I wrote, and I gave it an Apache license. If you don't like the name "dh" for whatever reason, you can patch the M... 1 Jul 2010 17:47
Path to another server
We are switching from one server to another for our PERL Scripts, and so far everything is working, but I am having problems with on program which works on the old server but not the new one. The problem I have is creating a file in a directory on another server. I use "\\\\gailbapps\\cybraryn\\TDmenu\\A-Cyb_Sta... 30 Jun 2010 20:54
Parsing file names with spaces
Assuming an array named @myfiles contained three elements like: -rwxrwxrwx 1 777 22000 2971201 Jan 24 18:17 -rwxrwxrwx 1 777 22000 2969941 Jan 28 18:10 file2 -rwxrwxrwx 1 777 22000 2969941 Jan 29 13:28 file3 two I want to extract just the file which contain ... 5 Jul 2010 14:25
FAQ 4.11 How do I get a random number between X and Y?
This is an excerpt from the latest version perlfaq4.pod, which comes with the standard Perl distribution. These postings aim to reduce the number of repeated questions as well as allow the community to review and update the answers. The latest version of the complete perlfaq is at . --------... 30 Jun 2010 18:41
FAQ 3.11 Where can I get Perl macros for vi?
This is an excerpt from the latest version perlfaq3.pod, which comes with the standard Perl distribution. These postings aim to reduce the number of repeated questions as well as allow the community to review and update the answers. The latest version of the complete perlfaq is at . --------... 30 Jun 2010 13:06
reading from a file into an array in perl
Hi, I want to read all the data from a file into an array. But if there is any "#" character in the file it should be replaced with "&" character. How to store "$_" into an array? This is my code: my @tmp_arr; open(IN,"<./ip_file"); while(<IN>) { if(/#/) { s/#/&/g; ... 30 Jun 2010 23:06
Need to capture Log of each thread --Parallel::ForkManager;
Hi All, In one of my application,i am cloning a process to 4 different threads,using Parallel::ForkManager module. Can anyone tell me how can i track each thread ,and is it possible to create separate log files for each thread. My Program is something like this.... my $child_proc_mgr=new Parallel::ForkManage... 30 Jun 2010 08:39
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