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[HACKERS] dot to be considered as a word delimiter?
Hi all, I was reading a post from Sushant Sinha about english parser wich do not consider dot as a word delimiter. In a following mail it has been proposed to add a patch. Is there any news about that ? I would enjoy this patch, too ;) Thank's -- Paul Fariello Étudiant ingénieur à l'Université d... 16 Jul 2010 07:43
ERROR: argument to pg_get_expr() must come from systemcatalogs
On 13/07/10 21:36, Tom Lane wrote: Dave Page<dpage(a)> writes: We had a report of the above error from a pgAdmin user testing 1.12.0b3 with PG 9.0b3. The (highly simplified) query below works fine as a superuser: SELECT pg_get_expr(proargdefaults, 'pg_catalog.pg_class'::regclass) ... 16 Jul 2010 04:29
Too busy to go back to school, but need a University Degree to get ahead for a good life. aitchless agathokakological adenia
How are you! Do you want an effective future, soar in money, and the recognition of all? Special offer: We can assist with Diplomas from prestigious universities based on your present knowledge and professional experience. Get a Degree in 6 weeks with our program! ~Our program will let EVERYONE with prof... 16 Jul 2010 02:20
buildfarm housekeeping / planning
Andrew Dunstan <andrew(a)> writes: The buildfarm is now going on six years old (time flies when you're having fun!) and the database is now rather large - around 76Gb on disk. We'd like to reduce that quite a lot, especially by purging out the logs of old builds. And while the old data isn't pu... 16 Jul 2010 01:15
[HACKERS] buildfarm housekeeping / planning
The buildfarm is now going on six years old (time flies when you're having fun!) and the database is now rather large - around 76Gb on disk. We'd like to reduce that quite a lot, especially by purging out the logs of old builds. And while the old data isn't publicly accessible, it has occasionally been used t... 16 Jul 2010 01:15
small exclusion constraints patch
Jeff Davis <pgsql(a)> writes: Currently, the check for exclusion constraints performs a sanity check that's slightly too strict -- it assumes that a tuple will conflict with itself. That is not always the case: the operator might be "<>", in which case it's perfectly valid for the search for confli... 15 Jul 2010 20:55
[HACKERS] buildfarm owners, please add REL9_0_STABLE to your list of builds
Buildfarm owners: In case you have missed it, the source code tree has been branched somewhat earlier than has happened in previous release cycles, where the branch has occurred any time from just before release to several weeks after. That means that buildfarm owners need to add the new branch (REL9_0_STA... 15 Jul 2010 18:44
Listen/Notify in 9.0
Kaare Rasmussen <kaare(a)> writes: As I understand the changes to the notification system in 9.0, apart from being able to carry a payload, it will guarantee the order of delivery, and also it will keep the notification and notify any listener, even if the listener didn't register at the time of ... 15 Jul 2010 16:31
[HACKERS] Listen/Notify in 9.0
Hi As I understand the changes to the notification system in 9.0, apart from being able to carry a payload, it will guarantee the order of delivery, and also it will keep the notification and notify any listener, even if the listener didn't register at the time of notification. Is this correct? What happens... 15 Jul 2010 16:31
reducing NUMERIC size for 9.1
On 10 July 2010 00:58, Robert Haas <robertmhaas(a)> wrote: EnterpriseDB asked me to develop the attached patch to reduce the on-disk size of numeric and to submit it for inclusion in PG 9.1. After searching the archives, I found a possible design for this by Tom Lane based on an earlier proposal by S... 3 Aug 2010 20:15
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