From: Dan Dubin on
Folks --

I would respectfully disagree with the idea that /; is more general
than Piecewise. The example given, a function that returns a
different value in the morning than the evening, is simply a
time-dependent function that could be constructed using Piecewise, as

f[x_,h_] = Piecewise[{{x, h < 12}, {-x, h >= 12}}];

and called via


In fact, it seems to me that any difference in the way that
Mathematica interprets Piecewise and conditionals should be removed
from later editions of Mathematica, since as far as I can see the
difference between them is merely a Mathematica-specific matter of
the mechanics of how the expressions are evaluated with little (or
no?) utility, that causes considerable confusion among new users. I
don't see any benefit in this distinction, but feel free to convince
me otherwise!

>Szabolcs Horv=E1t wrote:
>> In short, /; is a programming construct that affects evaluation.
>> Piecewise[] is used to represent a mathematical concept: piecewise
>> functions.
>> If you want to do mathematical operations like integration, then use
>> Piecewise[]. Condition[] (/;) is a lot more general than Piecewise[],
>> for example one could write a "function" that returns a different value
>> in the evening than in the morning, which is obviously not a function in
>> the mathematical sense, and thus can't be integrated.
>Got it! Thanks to you and David for responding.
>Erik Max Francis && max(a) &&
> San Jose, CA, USA && 37 18 N 121 57 W && AIM/Y!M/Skype erikmaxfrancis
> God is love, but get it in writing.
> -- Gypsy Rose Lee


From: Daniel Lichtblau on
Dan Dubin wrote:
> Folks --
> I would respectfully disagree with the idea that /; is more general
> than Piecewise. The example given, a function that returns a
> different value in the morning than the evening, is simply a
> time-dependent function that could be constructed using Piecewise, as
> in
> f[x_,h_] = Piecewise[{{x, h < 12}, {-x, h >= 12}}];
> and called via
> f[x,DateList[[4]]]
> In fact, it seems to me that any difference in the way that
> Mathematica interprets Piecewise and conditionals should be removed
> from later editions of Mathematica, since as far as I can see the
> difference between them is merely a Mathematica-specific matter of
> the mechanics of how the expressions are evaluated with little (or
> no?) utility, that causes considerable confusion among new users. I
> don't see any benefit in this distinction, but feel free to convince
> me otherwise!
> [...]

The documentation makes quite clear that Condition is a construct meant
for, and understood by, pattern matching functions. In this capacity it
may be used for programmatic constructs, e.g. DownValues that only
evaluate under certain conditions. Piecewise would be a terrible
emulator of this functionality.

By way of contrast, functions like NIntegrate understand mathematical
constructs such as Piecewise. As some examples earlier in the thread
indicated, evaluation of "functions" defined in terms of Condition might
leave one with an unintended integrand.

Let me comment on some specifics of your note.

"[A]s far as I can see the difference between them is merely
a Mathematica-specific matter of the mechanics of how the
expressions are evaluated..."

The life blood of Mathematica semantics is in the mechanics of
evaluation. While this might well be deemed Mathematica-specific, it
determines whether and how the language functions.

"with little (or no?) utility,..."

The differences in supported functionality, several presented in this
thread, argue otherwise. But I concede this is a matter of opinion.

"that causes considerable confusion among new users."

I think some amount of confusion is not new, but rather of the following
form. One defines a function using multiple DownValues with Conditional,
then tries to use it in Reduce or Integrate, and this has an unwanted
outcome. Question might be: "Why does Piecewise work and not my
definition?" A few versions ago, prior to introduction of Piecewise to
Mathematica*, the question was simply "Why does this not work?" Point
being this: Piecewise has extended the range of Mathematica, to do
things that Condition was never designed to do, and for which evaluation
semantics do not (and never did) support use of Condition.

Bottom line: The intended and supported usage of each tend to be quite
different, though there may be some amount of overlap at least in terms
of attempted usage. Suffice it to say, neither functionality will be
getting supplanted by the other.

Daniel Lichtblau
Wolfram Research

*Around 2003 we had a design meeting where the R&D Director said "I plan
to introduce some new functionality to Mathematica, piecewise". Naively,
I said "Okay. What's the functionality." True story.

From: Szabolcs Horvát on
On 2009.10.15. 13:17, Dan Dubin wrote:
> Folks --
> I would respectfully disagree with the idea that /; is more general
> than Piecewise. The example given, a function that returns a
> different value in the morning than the evening, is simply a
> time-dependent function that could be constructed using Piecewise, as
> in
> f[x_,h_] = Piecewise[{{x, h< 12}, {-x, h>= 12}}];
> and called via
> f[x,DateList[[4]]]
> In fact, it seems to me that any difference in the way that
> Mathematica interprets Piecewise and conditionals should be removed
> from later editions of Mathematica, since as far as I can see the
> difference between them is merely a Mathematica-specific matter of
> the mechanics of how the expressions are evaluated with little (or
> no?) utility, that causes considerable confusion among new users. I
> don't see any benefit in this distinction, but feel free to convince
> me otherwise!

Piecewise[] is explicitly designed to be used to represent a
mathematical concept, piecewise functions. Mathematical operations,
like D[], can be applied to it.

For example,

D[Piecewise[{{1, x > 0}}, 0], x]

/; can be used with patterns (or, as a more special use, with :=
definitions or Module). It cannot be used to compose a standalone
mathematical expression like Piecewise can.

Actually Piecewise[] is much closer to Which[] than to /;. But again,
Which[] is a programming construct, not something that is meant to be
used as a mathematical expression. The following does not work as
expected from a mathematical point of view:

D[Which[x > 0, 1, True, 0], x]

There are many differences between how these three types of expressions
are (or are not) evaluated, making Piecewise[] suitable for mathematical
use, but unwieldy for programming/pattern matching use.

The overlap between programming and mathematical use of some constructs
(for example, "functions") can already cause confusion in Mathematica.
I can see how a programming use of Piecewise could be forced... but I
think that it was a good decision to try to separate these two kinds of
uses in this case.

From: Leonid Shifrin on
Hi Dan,

The way I understand the difference between /; and Piecewise is the
following (I am in the camp of David and Szabolcs): Condition is a
programming construct, not necessarily used only in a mathematical setting.
For internals of Mathematica (such as pattern-matcher and evaluator),
Condition is more fundamental - if you wish, it is a component of the
pattern-matcher. It is a part of the programming language, which can be used
for lots of other purposes outside its applications to pure mathematical

Pattern-matching is very powerful, but in its pure form completely
Condition (along with PatternTest) allows pattern-matcher to call evaluator
on parts of the expression where the fact of the match can not be determined
by pure syntax (head, structure checks), and this greatly expands the class
of useful patterns that can be constructed. I think that anyone interested
in software development aspects of Mathematica programming language (for
example, to exploit new/interesting programming techniques) will probably be
hard pressed to see how many of the things possible due to existence of
Condition would find simple substitutes should you remove it from the
language. This is amplified by the fact that a lot of existing Mathematica
functionality has been developed in Mathematica language itself.

It seems to me that Piecewise was introduced for exactly the purpose of
better integration of piecewise functions with the other mathematical
functionality. Since it is less general than Condition (in the above sense),
and furthermore completely separated from the evaluation process
(pattern-matching), it must be easier to formulate rules or identities
involving Piecewise and be sure that they will always hold in (and only in)
situations when they should (this is my guess).

As far as Mathematica novices are concerned, I think that a clean separation
programming and mathematical layers of Mathematica language is one of the
most inportant things to be achieved by an introductory presentation of
Mathematica, to save them (novices) from the confusion you mentioned. This
is only my opinion anyway.


On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 3:19 PM, Dan Dubin <ddubin(a)> wrote:

> Folks --
> I would respectfully disagree with the idea that /; is more general
> than Piecewise. The example given, a function that returns a
> different value in the morning than the evening, is simply a
> time-dependent function that could be constructed using Piecewise, as
> in
> f[x_,h_] = Piecewise[{{x, h < 12}, {-x, h >= 12}}];
> and called via
> f[x,DateList[[4]]]
> In fact, it seems to me that any difference in the way that
> Mathematica interprets Piecewise and conditionals should be removed
> from later editions of Mathematica, since as far as I can see the
> difference between them is merely a Mathematica-specific matter of
> the mechanics of how the expressions are evaluated with little (or
> no?) utility, that causes considerable confusion among new users. I
> don't see any benefit in this distinction, but feel free to convince
> me otherwise!
> >Szabolcs Horv=E1t wrote:
> >> In short, /; is a programming construct that affects evaluation.
> >> Piecewise[] is used to represent a mathematical concept: piecewise
> >> functions.
> >>
> >> If you want to do mathematical operations like integration, then use
> >> Piecewise[]. Condition[] (/;) is a lot more general than Piecewise[],
> >> for example one could write a "function" that returns a different value
> >> in the evening than in the morning, which is obviously not a function
> in
> >> the mathematical sense, and thus can't be integrated.
> >
> >Got it! Thanks to you and David for responding.
> >
> >--
> >Erik Max Francis && max(a) &&
> > San Jose, CA, USA && 37 18 N 121 57 W && AIM/Y!M/Skype erikmaxfrancis
> > God is love, but get it in writing.
> > -- Gypsy Rose Lee
> --

From: Szabolcs Horvát on
2009/10/17 Dan Dubin <ddubin(a)>:
> Hi -- I want to thank everyone for their thoughtful replies. Even after
> using Mathematica for many years I still have to ask really stupid questions
> sometimes, and I appreciate your patience.
> I appreciate that the use of a conditional statement might be more
> elegant in a given context than the application of a piecewise function. One
> remaining issue for me is that I don't understand the difference between
> "pure mathematics" and what you refer to as "programming constructs". I see
> any program as a function that takes one set of (binary) numbers and
> transforms it into another set. I think of programming control statements
> such as which, if, etc, or pattern matching functions, as piecewise
> functions of their arguments. Am I wrong in thinking this way?

Yes. The conditions used in these might have nothing to do with a
function's argument. Don't always think in terms of "function
definitions". To be precise these are really the definitions of
transformation rules that are used during the evaluation process.
They're neither functions in the mathematical sense, nor in the sense
used in programming languages like C or Fortran.

When one types in Integrate[f[x], {x,-1,1}], first f[x] is evaluated,
and Integrate sees only the result.

> So, for example, when someone writes
> f[x_] := 1 /; x >= 0
> f[x_] := 0 /; x < 0

f[x] evaluates to f[x] here because neither x >= 0 nor x < 0 evaluate
to True (x is simply treated as a symbol during evaluation).

Integrate will see an "unspecified function". It won't dig into the
transformation rules associated with the symbol f because
transformation rules were not meant (and thus are very impractical) to
represent mathematical concepts. Integrate was designed to work with
"static" Mathematica expressions (i.e. ones that do not evaluate to
anything) that represent a mathematical expression in the integration

> or
> f[x_] := Which[x>=1,1,True,0]

Here f[x] evaluates to Which[x>=1,1,True,0]. Which[] will not
evaluate further because x >= 1 does not evaluate to either True or
False, so in theory Integrate[] could dig into it, and try to
interpret it as a mathematical expression. However, Which[] can
contain all kinds of nasty conditions, e.g. Which[x >= 1, 1,
$VersionNumber > 5, 0]. Since Which[] is not designed to represent a
mathematical expression (and there are many small details to its
behaviour which would make such a use very impractical or impossible),
Integrate[] can't handle it.

> or
> f[x_] :=
> Piecewise[{{1, x >= 0}, {0,
> True}}]

It is Piecewise[] that was designed for this purpose, so use /it/.
The f[x_]:= bit isn't even necessary.

> or simply
> f[x_] = UnitStep[x]

Yes, this works too. Now you can ask what use was it to introduce
HeavisideTheta[] if we already had UnitStep[] ?! ;-)

> I don't understand why Integrate[f[x],{x,-1,1}] should not yield the same
> result in each case. This is an example of what I was trying to get at in
> my previous message . Each function provides exactly the same result for
> given real inputs. The integrand in Integrate need only be evaluated for
> real inputs (although what Integrate actually does is unknown to me).
> Therefore, I would think it would be beneficial if Mathematica would yield
> the same results in this case.

So, in summary, Mathematica has "things" that do something, and
"things" that represent maths stuff. The two often can't be mixed
(but sometimes they can, which causes confusion). There are "maths
things" that appear to *do* something, e.g. Sin[Pi] is magically
changed to 0, or 1+1 is changed to 2, but what happens in fact is that
these mathematical expressions are automatically transformed into
equivalent mathematical objects (in an attempt to bring things to
canonical forms when this is practical to do). The truth is that
Mathematica is messy and not completely consistent. But I don't mind
it at all because otherwise it couldn't be nearly as practical as it
is now :)

To be honest, what I said above is a gross oversimplification and not
completely true. To really understand how the system works, read
about evaluation and pattern matching. Start at
"tutorial/PrinciplesOfEvaluation", then open the Virtual Book, and
follow the table of contents there. If you do this, it'll become
obvious to you why /; and Piecewise are far from interchangeable.