From: 4Q on 22 Feb 2007 04:50 Hey Buddy, I know you are trying to pass yourself off in these groups as an upright citizen , man of integrity, honest joe kind of a guy but I've got a serious question for you. Here is something you wrote on 6th March 2000. It has been backed up onto various servers (including Department for Homeland Security), so you don't have to worry if you can't find a copy on your local machine. "I've killed 2 other people in my lifetime. I had to serve 3 years for the 2nd fellow (I got caught, but they brought the charges down) I'm hoping that you'll be a freebie kill." Conversation with Michael Smith. Okay let's do the math. You are 29 yrs old now, so that would make you 22 yrs old in 2000. Prior to the year 2000 you had been around in the VX scene (spreading your virus in the wild) <-- I think CNN has some news on this (I'll dig it up for you later). So let's subtract another 3yrs off your age, and this will make you 19yrs old. So let's assume you was released from prison when you were 19 in 1996-97. And you say you had to "serve 3 years" that would make you 16yrs old when you killed these people in 1993-1994. Am I okay on the figures and dates so far? Well I've done some comprehensive searches around these dates and I can't seem to find your name related to these killings. Which state did serve these 3yrs? 4Q (Dustin Cooks official biographer)
From: owowa.zeppelin on 22 Feb 2007 07:15 On Feb 22, 4:50 am, "4Q" <paul_z...(a)> wrote: > Hey Buddy, > > I know you are trying to pass yourself > off in these groups as an upright citizen > , man of integrity, honest joe kind of a > guy but I've got a serious question for > you. > > Here is something you wrote on 6th March > 2000. It has been backed up onto various > servers (including Department for > Homeland Security), so you don't have to > worry if you can't find a copy on your > local machine. > > "I've killed 2 other people in my > lifetime. I had to serve 3 years for the > 2nd fellow (I got caught, but they > brought the charges down) I'm hoping that > you'll be a freebie kill." > > Conversation with Michael Smith. > > Okay let's do the math. You are 29 yrs > old now, so that would make you 22 yrs > old in 2000. Prior to the year 2000 you > had been around in the VX scene > (spreading your virus in the wild) <-- > I think CNN has some news on this (I'll > dig it up for you later). So let's subtract another 3yrs off your age, > and this will make you 19yrs old. So > let's assume you was released from prison > when you were 19 in 1996-97. And you say > you had to "serve 3 years" that would > make you 16yrs old when you killed these > people in 1993-1994. Am I okay on the > figures and dates so far? > > Well I've done some comprehensive > searches around these dates and I can't > seem to find your name related to these > killings. Which state did serve these > 3yrs? > > 4Q (Dustin Cooks official biographer) > > After reading the recent crop of offerings, I am totally impressed with the results posted and expected from 4Q. This is indeed an interesting story. 1. Dustin, did you need to be re-sleeved after your release from prison? That pencil-neck of yours does not suggest an alpha-male status whilst a guest of the state. 2. I find Lipman's lack of participation telling, but he, too, mouths- off in his drive-by hits on the hapless posters anyway only to be gifted with the "Circle-the Wagon" behaviour of his fan-b0ys... 3..But then again, perhaps Lipman has been making the drive to Tennessee and been unable to post-back. I see an annulment of the short-lived alliance between this pair. Keep up the good work 4Q!
From: Dustin Cook on 22 Feb 2007 19:09 On Feb 22, 6:47 pm, "4Q" <paul_z...(a)> wrote: > backdoor Trojan, BugHunter onto their Several AUK trolls have claimed that for going on 2 years now, yet nobody has been able to show any code or other evidence to support the claim. > computers. People should get to know the > creep a little better and realize they And you somehow think by misquoting and bringing up 10 year old posts, this will get people to know me now? Your haven't been playing stupid, you are stupid. > kids. How can anyone take a guy like > this for his word with such a past? The past? You mean, the past two years where BugHunter has been helpful and best, and harmless at worst? That's one interesting past, thanks for bringing it up. Your desperate comparison of a childmolestor to myself has been noted. I've never seen you squirm so much, I foolishly thought you actually could handle anybody who ever came across your path. Your miserable failure at grepping much information of value on k-man and the others should have been a clue as to just how much of a bullshitter you actually are. One doesn't need to consider distant past only, one can take your current behavior and form the same comparison that I have. Which is, you were a seriously messed up attention seeking individual then, and 10 years hasn't changed your behvaior in the least.
From: Dustin Cook on 22 Feb 2007 19:45 On Feb 22, 4:50 am, "4Q" <paul_z...(a)> wrote: > Hey Buddy, > > I know you are trying to pass yourself > off in these groups as an upright citizen > , man of integrity, honest joe kind of a > guy but I've got a serious question for > you. 4Q, the very tone of this comment clearly tells me and everyone else, you don't have any serious questions. Your having problems finding more useful dirt and you want me to help you. The dirt you flung at me last go around wasn't such good quality, it had problems, many errors, they were pointed out, it hurt your case much. You didn't have any case to begin with, and you've basically been 0wned with each of my replies, but this is a topic I won't exchange mud with you over.
From: 4Q on 22 Feb 2007 20:37
4Q wrote: > Hey Buddy, > > I know you are trying to pass yourself > off in these groups as an upright citizen > , man of integrity, honest joe kind of a > guy but I've got a serious question for > you. > > Here is something you wrote on 6th March > 2000. It has been backed up onto various > servers (including Department for > Homeland Security), so you don't have to > worry if you can't find a copy on your > local machine. > > "I've killed 2 other people in my > lifetime. I had to serve 3 years for the > 2nd fellow (I got caught, but they > brought the charges down) I'm hoping that > you'll be a freebie kill." > > Conversation with Michael Smith. > > Okay let's do the math. You are 29 yrs > old now, so that would make you 22 yrs > old in 2000. Prior to the year 2000 you > had been around in the VX scene > (spreading your virus in the wild) <-- > I think CNN has some news on this (I'll > dig it up for you later). So let's subtract another 3yrs off your age, > and this will make you 19yrs old. So > let's assume you was released from prison > when you were 19 in 1996-97. And you say > you had to "serve 3 years" that would > make you 16yrs old when you killed these > people in 1993-1994. Am I okay on the > figures and dates so far? > HELLO! did anybody see Dustin Cook reply to what he said about killing 2 people? So just incase Dustin Cook somehow misread the above. I will ask a couple of questions very slowly and carefully as not to confuse him too much. Q1: Did you kill 2 people? Q2: Did you server 3 years in prison. There not too difficult was it... Now does anybody else think he will not have understood those very simple questions? Would someone else like to rephrase the questions for him. 4Q (Dustin Cook's official biographer) |