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From: wilson on 4 Dec 2009 23:01 Thanks now i understand it! If i wanna do like the above link i need to use hough transform method? or str8 away used neural network to do this? How to do the iris code on top of the left corner? How am i manage to do that?
From: ImageAnalyst on 5 Dec 2009 07:31 On Dec 4, 11:01 pm, "wilson " <wilson_silver3...(a)> wrote: > Thanks now i understand it! > If i wanna do like the above link i need to use hough transform method? > or str8 away used neural network to do this? How to do the iris code on top of the left corner? How am i manage to do that? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yes, I would look into the hough transform.
From: wilson on 5 Dec 2009 10:05 ImageAnalyst <imageanalyst(a)> wrote in message <a0ed957f-04e4-4792-bb1c-715f41b4d3f5(a)>... > On Dec 4, 11:01?pm, "wilson " <wilson_silver3...(a)> wrote: > > Thanks now i understand it! ok if i use hough transform how am i do the iris code like above the left corner!
From: ImageAnalyst on 5 Dec 2009 13:05 On Dec 5, 10:05 am, "wilson " <wilson_silver3...(a)> wrote: > ok if i use hough transform how am i do the iris code like above the left corner! -------------------------------------------------------------------- I don't know, but I'm sure you can experiment around with it just as I'd have to.
From: wilson on 8 Dec 2009 12:02
get image get from : I direct crop out the eyes eyes = double(imread('eye234.jpg'))/255; figure; imagesc(eyes); axis equal tight off; colormap gray; title('eyes'); szImg1 = size(eyes); rad1ct = 600; % radii to be searched (in pixels) gradthr = 0.15; %opt = 'prop'; [haa1ct,grad] = cht(eyes,rad1ct,gradthr); figure; imagesc(grad); axis equal tight off; colormap gray; title('Edge strengths from Sobel filtering'); figure; imagesc(haa1ct); axis equal tight off; colormap gray; title('Circle Hough transform with a radius of 600 pixels (proportional)'); its appear error on that [haa1ct,grad] = cht(eyes,rad1ct,gradthr); |