From: Jack Konings on
Hi All,

My question is simple; In a dbf there are some coordinates saved (lat. with
When the user hits the "map" button a browser (in my case IE) window should
open, Google or Bing maps (or any other) should appear and some markers
should be placed on the map.

Opening Google or Bing maps is not the problem (something like
ShellExecute(NULL, String2Psz('open'),
String2Psz(''), NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL)), but placing one or more markers.

Maybe making somekind of script file on the fly, but I've got no idea of its

Any help is welcome,



From: Nick Friend on
Havent' used it, but the documentation is here...



On 17 Apr, 14:18, "Jack Konings"
<Gordon_remove_this_.Freeman(a)> wrote:
> Hi All,
> My question is simple; In a dbf there are some coordinates saved (lat. with
> long.).
> When the user hits the "map" button a browser (in my case IE) window should
> open, Google or Bing maps (or any other) should appear and some markers
> should be placed on the map.
> Opening Google or Bing maps is not the problem (something like
> ShellExecute(NULL, String2Psz('open'),
> ',5.793389&spn=0.002618,0....,
> String2Psz(''), NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL)), but placing one or more markers.
> Maybe making somekind of script file on the fly, but I've got no idea of its
> content.
> Any help is welcome,
> TIA,
> Jack