From: thunk on
On Mar 31, 3:24 am, Andrea Dallera <and...(a)> wrote:
> Hei,
>         I gave a look to your github wiki: while still I have no idea what
> you're aiming to do at least it looks that you're trying for real.
> I am in no position to suggest you anything but personally I'll be
> getting more interested in this project of yours when 1) i can get some
> code that i can execute and see what it does from start to end 2) all
> this talk about Ruids and Boids boils down to something concrete: I've
> got some (not much) experience in data mining and pattern matching and
> what i learned is that what sounds cool often does not work.
> Bye and good work!
> --
> Andrea Dallera


its a living breathing / processing something on my machine, what can
I say, i'm not typing in imagined output - want it from 1000 patients
- i'll post it up in 2 minutes - its real.

my software was gathering mostly numeric data from factories around
the world, really, from cmms and such since the middle 80's to the
middle 90's on DOS based real-time apps i/we wrote back then. then
came windoz and then i ran screaming to Smalltalk that IBM had just
"re-re-introduced into VisualAge" and that seemed cool to me. Never
connected with the Smalltalk community from NE Wisconsin - I think
Smalltalk was rather dying even it as it was the best thing I've ever
seen in some ways - imagine a IDE and complete (100%) OO after having
been forced at gunpoint into buggy c++. no don't - if you can
understand - it may make you cry.

but we also gathered comments usually associated with statistical
events. I wrote / authored all kinds of reports based on that to
about 1995 and it was interesting work that was worthwhile and fun and
rewarding.... and I think we were about the only folks doing it

However, the point of this post is that "i have pissed up a few
ropes" (a colorful expression i reserve for serious discussions) and i
can tell you with almost complete personal confidence that this is no
such thing. which is wierd because the heads on approach blew up
complexity wise - and that was like I have said - to try and resolve
faulty data on the fly throwing complextity head on at complexity only
seemed to grow it. and that is what it is - bad data needs to get
resolved sooner or later right?

The "Ruids" don't worry about this because the "SwarmSender" must
guarantee that this has already been done - in this "new" approach.
But that's cheating?! ya. I changed domains. I now have excellent
data, a tad more complex than i'd like but just excellent - it is
nicely organized into sentences which I put into my "Satz" (almost
just a hash but has some rules - sorry but it seemed to deserve a
unique word). Cute thing about THIS is that the computer gets to play
with data it can handle heads on - and we humans can see the
reconstitution of the Satz (technical) into "Techlish" which is
"better than english or any natural language as keeping the ands & ors
and double negatives all straight. I'm CHEATING, so to say. You guys
can resolve the tough stuff - like working with impossible units or
missing units and implied units - i have no such thing in my little
world - and I can tellya why- because I'm working with Drugs as a
CLASS not as an instance - and the FDA makes sure that the instances
spec out to the Class - in the computer world of CPUs and such there
is no such regulation - and AMD / Intell let their marketing guys
write their respective garbage and its going to take a real expert to
sort that out. I'm not a real expert, I don't even know one up here -
so I had to tuck my schwanz betw my legs and move to where i didn't
need to be an expert.

crystal clear?

BUT there are things about Computer systems like continual change and
I still see real value to Blasting a shopping basket with 1000's of
teamed "Ruids" to figure out 1. if its anything like a "system" 2.
if something obvious might be missing 3. if the stuff that logically
mates will mate 4. if there isn't a better system for the money (or
whatever) and if his accumulated fan noise is above / below expected,
if the power supply seems adequate, and most of all if the thing
should work.......

and the "Ruids" can be contributed by computer geeks - that was how
"the lightning stuck my head"! - i wanted to allow outside
contributions and THAT has been accomplished beyond what I expected
and one of the reasons i stay genuinely excited about this project.
It leverages the whole thing - hook this up to a Forum like PCMech and
you rather can own a Greek Island or two, and invite me over. OK?

I wrote to PCMech and some other such domain champions and they are
not ready to "see" this yet. and, ahh, well, geee, but it isn't the
easiest thing to communicate about.... not yet anyway - we need to
agree on symbols for this stuff and the RU in Ruid trips my trigger -
and that seems related to this forum somehow, just vaguely.


From: thunk on

and the beauty of the shopping basket app(s) go deeper... e.g; CompUSA
(that I was scraping) and NewEgg provide all the details, daily price
changes, open box specials, shipping and details - all that need to be
done is to "get into those "shopping baskets"" - then only HTML type
output. then take 5% of the money SAVED and you have a living or
two. see what i'm trying to say? the urRuid app that I could not
finish ==> and I don't give up easy.

This thing, i've been tell'n a few people, could be hooked up to
forums for input (not to much cost, actually they provide a real
service) and Spree or some such eCommerce system.

pure ruby goodness put to work.. a real nice loop to close.

From: thunk on


what are those Ru'id things do'n in my Shopping Basket!???

i had it worked out that cables were a really nifty objects with
nested "plugs" and that checked if they would mate with whatever which
was also a "plug" and all like that... it would have worked too,
there are air flow calculations and heat dissipation factors, not to
mention assembly options and lots of real value to be added imho

and my favorite scenario repeated I don't know how many times, was the
PC tech at a bench in Island reporting a cpu/mem glitch that manifests
as something that needs to be tweaked in BIOS (or some such stuff that
occupies these guys) would automatically show up to some guy in S.
Africa years later with the same computer fingerprint. that seemed
pretty exciting to me. One "Ruid" filled out on a handy could do

then there are aquariums, and kayaks, and other artifacts of male

(and I love kayaks too - I and I know a real world class designer in
this domain - the one's that go on expeditions - i'm into "skin on
frame" myself - that's how they started you know.)

From: Intransition on
Turning Test?

On Mar 31, 3:25 am, thunk <gmkol...(a)> wrote:
> ok, some clarity arrived:
> for trivial games one "helperclass" each.  one '?'method per potential
> move.  chess would require maybe 6 helper classes or so.  the "ruids"
> play n play players.  the swarms are organized differently than i have
> done but no big deal.  each swarm would handle a new move by any
> player.  and no big deal.
> ok.
> but the rules of the game are determined by the ruids.  the ruids
> could replace an existing rule (not just elbow in an be accumulated).
> this means that the game rules could be changed as the games are being
> played.  the rule changes could be trivial, or they could be
> controlled by some meisterspieler that is adding interest to the whole
> mental menagerie of male bemastering.
> so vying to change the rules - "politics" - could become part of the
> whole RuidScape.
> now that seems pretty amusing and somewhat less trivial.

From: thunk on
On Mar 31, 7:15 am, Intransition <transf...(a)> wrote:
> Turning Test?

no Turing test.



at the current stage i'm authoring "system ruids" that i consider to
be "processing" oriented". reminds me of "boot strapping" in the
sense that I feel I am only laying the foundation of this domain for
what is to come. very few surprises happening. srand used to seed
each batch... no surprises.

there is a "black box" recording every attribute acquisition asf.

as said, the hook to the helper_class methods can be used for
anything. i'm keeping it all as simple as I can for now.

you slingers can take it to new places, I'm clint eastwood.