From: drscrypt on
On 7/7/2010 12:36 PM, Gerald W. Lester wrote:
> Your reports have been the first against smtp in *years*.

I don't know if everyone reports it or whether they specifically say
smtp. But with a simple google search, here is one from April:

Another one from 2008:

Here is another that acknowledges a similar issue, for whom it was
resolved by removing Trf:

So I am sure there are others too; not counting the wiki.

> When your initial report came in, I verified (using and
> that I could send a fairly large attachments using 8.5 and 8.6.

I am using 8.4. Can you run the same tests again with a recent version
of Tcl 8.4.x and Tcllib 1.12? What script are you using?

> As Uwe Klein suggest, in this thread and several of us in your previous
> thread, try against another MTA -- I think several of us suspect the
> fault lies in the MTA or your connection.

Well, when I send a small attachment of a few hundred bytes, all is OK.
When the attachment size grows, problems start. I am on a pretty fast
connection so it is not an issue. My MTA is yahoo. I don't have
another MTA at the moment. Are you saying it is not working with yahoo?

From: Uwe Klein on
drscrypt(a) wrote:
> Well, when I send a small attachment of a few hundred bytes, all is OK.
> When the attachment size grows, problems start. I am on a pretty fast
> connection so it is not an issue. My MTA is yahoo. I don't have
> another MTA at the moment. Are you saying it is not working with yahoo?
> DrS

Could this be due to some misconfigured MTU value "somewhere" in the path ?

Can you do a(n automated) testseries that increases message size on every
iteration by a "small" amount ?

Plot the resulting failure data?


From: drscrypt on
On 7/7/2010 1:33 PM, Uwe Klein wrote:
> Could this be due to some misconfigured MTU value "somewhere" in the path ?

If that were the case, the MTU would not be successful on the small
messages though, is that right? In any case, if you have
recommendations on what that path should look like, I am eager to try it.


From: Craig on
MTU, Maximum Tranmission Unit, is the largest message size for a chunk of data
for a protocol. larger messages get broken up into chunks <= MTU. I think Uwe is
suggesting that if the MTU (possibly on the MTA's side) were assumed to be
different sizes in different places, then messages above a certain size might be
getting trashed.


drscrypt(a) wrote:
> On 7/7/2010 1:33 PM, Uwe Klein wrote:
>> Could this be due to some misconfigured MTU value "somewhere" in the
>> path ?
> If that were the case, the MTU would not be successful on the small
> messages though, is that right? In any case, if you have
> recommendations on what that path should look like, I am eager to try it.
> DrS
From: Uwe Klein on
drscrypt(a) wrote:
> On 7/7/2010 1:33 PM, Uwe Klein wrote:
>> Could this be due to some misconfigured MTU value "somewhere" in the
>> path ?
> If that were the case, the MTU would not be successful on the small
> messages though, is that right? In any case, if you have
> recommendations on what that path should look like, I am eager to try it.

Please look up MTU :
There need to be other breakage too.

You would see a pronounced error at certain packet length.

Further you might be interested in a google search:
You are not alone in having issues with the Yahoo MTA

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