From: Hadron on
Moshe Goldfarb <moshe_goldfarb(a)> writes:

> On Mon, 09 Aug 2010 19:12:04 +0200, Hadron<hadronquark(a)>
> wrote:
>>Aragorn <aragorn(a)chatfactory.invalid> writes:
>>> Well, it doesn't work like that, but then again, like I said, the people
>>> have been lulled to sleep. And I wouldn't count on Obama to start an
>>> investigation into "9/11" either. He's in on it just as much as all
>>> the others are, if not by choice, then because the true powers that be
>>> own him, just like they've owned just about every US president since
>>> John F. Kennedy - even if only because they couldn't afford that a US
>>> president would be turning against them for a second time - and it is
>>> the same group of people who control the British government, and the
>>> European Union, and much, much more...
>>Someone needs to give Aragorn's location to the men in the white
>>coats. And they need to acquire a particularly large and strong net
>>with which to capture this brazen loon.
> They should keep him, Rex Ballard, [Homer], Mark Bilk and
> Schestowitz's entire band of loons under heavy sedation.
> They are going need cases of drugs with *zine in the name to keep them
> under control.

Just lay a trail of Ubuntu coasters along the road leading up a ramp
into a barred window van with a snapshut rear door and *bang* - a whole
nest of Freetards caught and duly processed.

From: Hadron on
Aragorn <aragorn(a)chatfactory.invalid> writes:

> On Monday 09 August 2010 19:16 in comp.os.linux.setup, somebody
> identifying as Moshe Goldfarb wrote...
>> On Mon, 09 Aug 2010 19:12:04 +0200, Hadron<hadronquark(a)>
>> wrote:
>>> Aragorn <aragorn(a)chatfactory.invalid> writes:
>>>> Well, it doesn't work like that, but then again, like I said, the
>>>> people have been lulled to sleep. And I wouldn't count on Obama to
>>>> start an investigation into "9/11" either. He's in on it just as
>>>> much as all the others are, if not by choice, then because the true
>>>> powers that be own him, just like they've owned just about every US
>>>> president since John F. Kennedy - even if only because they couldn't
>>>> afford that a US president would be turning against them for a
>>>> second time - and it is the same group of people who control the
>>>> British government, and the European Union, and much, much more...
>>> Someone needs to give Aragorn's location to the men in the white
>>> coats. And they need to acquire a particularly large and strong net
>>> with which to capture this brazen loon.
> Coming from someone who fits that description to a tee, I take that with
> a grain of salt. In addition, as I said, everything that I wrote about
> in the previous post is documented, and *especially* *so* the
> inconsistencies regarding "9/11".

Except it doesn't. I am not making outrageous claims of conspiracy
theory with nothing to back it up but a pathological and insane belief
in nerdy net underlings who detest society as a whole.

*snip rambling garbage that would put Rexx Ballard to sleep*
From: Aragorn on
On Monday 09 August 2010 20:19 in comp.os.linux.setup, somebody
identifying as Moshe Goldfarb wrote...

> On Mon, 09 Aug 2010 20:17:31 +0200, Aragorn
> <aragorn(a)chatfactory.invalid> wrote:
>> Coming from someone who fits that description to a tee, I take that
>> with a grain of salt. In addition, as I said, everything that I
>> wrote about in the previous post is documented, and *especially* *so*
>> the inconsistencies regarding "9/11".
> Do you have to insert "War And Peace" into every post?

Comes with the autism. I just want to make sure that I am not being
misunderstood. And experience has taught me that I often am unless I
really elaborate.

>> Coming from a man who has just stated that he suspects GNU/FSF to be
>> affiliated with Scientology, that's a pretty ludicrous statement.
>> But like I said, don't let the facts stand in the way of your hatred
>> for us GNU/Linux advocates. In the end, that's all that matters to
>> you Wintrolls, isn't it?
> I was kidding.
> Humor is always lost on Lintards.

Concealed humor or sarcasm can also get lost on me *because* of the
autism. It does not happen when I am the witness to a communication
between two other people, but when I am the recipient of the
communication, then I tend to take things literally because then I have
(virtually) no way of ascertaining the mindset or intent of the sender.

So yes, I am communication-impaired. I was born that way, sorry.

(registered GNU/Linux user #223157)
From: Aragorn on
On Monday 09 August 2010 20:40 in comp.os.linux.setup, somebody
identifying as Moshe Goldfarb wrote...

> On Mon, 09 Aug 2010 20:33:26 +0200, Aragorn
> <aragorn(a)chatfactory.invalid> wrote:
>> So yes, I am communication-impaired. I was born that way, sorry.
> Alright, but if you keep typing these thesis length posts you will
> soon be adding carpal tunnel syndrome to your list of aliments.

I know. <grin> And by the way, what was that again about that
spellchecker? :p

Dyxlesia lurez! :-)

(registered GNU/Linux user #223157)
From: High Plains Thumper on
Homer wrote:

> So now we have gangsters like the the RIAA stalking a 10 year girl
> over her mother's allegedly heinous crime of file sharing [1], thugs
> like the the Universal Music Group claiming that just "throwing away
> promo CDs is illegal" [2], and racketeers like the PRS trying to
> extort money from children singing christmas carols [3].
> Yes, real "progress". [...]
> [3]

I found the link you provided rather interesting:

To get this money the PRS go after people like the 61 year-old mechanic
Paul Wilson, who has worked alone at his garage for 23 years since he
was 15. He can't afford the PRS license, so now he has to work in
silence. “When I was first contacted by the PRS I thought somebody was
having a laugh with me,” he said. But really, this is no laughing
matter. After the demands for money, Mr Wilson told the PRS to take his
radio to prove he wasn't listening to it, but the PRS warned that the
police could come round to do spot checks. Meanwhile, the garage next
door to Mr Wilson also received a PRS letter, so they are maintaining
radio silence too. Just regular people trying to earn a living, being
chased down for money to listen to a radio at work. It's astonishing.

When the small guy gets hit by these type of issues it really annoys
people in the copyright debating community. However, if you really want
to widen the debate and spread some really bad PR, it's going to take
tactics which show how low you are prepared to go. For instance, you
could go after a charity trying to raise funds via a tea-room, discover
their staff radio can be overheard, and demand money from them.

I thought that radios play familiar and popular content, so people would
listen to the advertising between content. This is how they make money
and how artists receive a royalty.

During the day time, most people except for a few are either at work or
at school. Therefore, having a portable radio near them to listen,
whether a portable or plug-in was considered fair use. The radio
stations have their advertising content being listened to in the work place.

For a mechanic to listen in his shop would be considered a violation
because he is a business? This is shear nonsense. I would say the same
for a body repair shop, that has say several employees and a small
office with several chairs. The office manager has a radio at his or
her desk, so clients come, also hear the radio. These must pay several
hundred dollars or pounds sterling to listen? This is madness.

I think the whole entertainment industry has gone bonkers.
