From: Misha Koshelev on 1 Apr 2010 17:19 Dear All: I am drawing numbers from an inverse gamma with parameters a and b using three different methods. All methods give same results per histogram. However, when computing the PDFs I am unable to use any MATLAB functions to do this. Is there a MATLAB function I can use? I have tried quite a few permutations below but do not seem to get correct result. Thank you! Misha % % histograms are the same % a=2; b=2; N=10000; v=(2*b)./chi2rnd(2*a,1,N); fig=figure('visible','off'); hist(log(v),100); print(fig,'-dpdf','1.pdf'); v=1./gamrnd(a,1/b,1,N); fig=figure('visible','off'); hist(log(v),100); print(fig,'-dpdf','2.pdf'); v=b./randgamma(a*ones(1,N)); fig=figure('visible','off'); hist(log(v),100); print(fig,'-dpdf','3.pdf'); % % why aren't the PDFs??? % % % START WITH GAMMA(a,b) % s=a*b; % these are same - matlab parameterization 1/(b^a*gamma(a))*s^(a-1)*exp(-s/b) gampdf(s,a,b) % logs - matlab parameterization -(a*log(b)+gammaln(a))+(a-1)*log(s)-s/b log(gampdf(s,a,b)) % alternate parameterization s=a/b; a*log(b)-gammaln(a)+(a-1)*log(s)-s*b log(gampdf(s,a,1/b)) % now inverse gamma - no longer works - why??? s=b/(a-1); a*log(b)-gammaln(a)-(a+1)*log(s)-b/s log(gampdf(s^-1,a,1/b)) % others that don't work chi2pdf((2*b)./s,2*a)
From: Nick on 1 Apr 2010 16:34 x = 0.01:0.01:7; invgam = @(x,a,b) b^a/gamma(a).*(1./x).^(a+1).*exp(-b./x); plot(x, invgam(x,2,2)); An inverse gamma pdf.
From: Misha Koshelev on 1 Apr 2010 21:19 Nick <nickchng(a)> wrote in message <902172621.487835.1270168484560.JavaMail.root(a)>... > x = 0.01:0.01:7; > invgam = @(x,a,b) b^a/gamma(a).*(1./x).^(a+1).*exp(-b./x); > plot(x, invgam(x,2,2)); > > An inverse gamma pdf. Ah. Thank you! Misha
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