From: Steven Lord on

"dpb" <none(a)> wrote in message
> dpb wrote:
>> Luna Moon wrote:
> ...
>>> However, Matlab's limited by memory size ...
>> What makes Matlab any more memory-size limited than any other analysis
>> tool? There's only so much memory available on any given system...
> ...
> Actually, I still don't know what "tick data" is supposed to be but...
> There is one size limitation w/ ML that has always seemed somewhat
> frustrating (and afaik hasn't been modified significantly in later
> versions) and that is that the default data size of DOUBLE means that for
> much computation where SINGLE is adequate that only half the data that
> otherwise could be handled in memory can be.
> That the SINGLE class is a somewhat poor cousin w/ no math operations
> means one either has to be able to do without or write the operations
> oneself.

If I remember correctly, you're using an older version. We implemented
non-double arithmetic (including single precision and the smaller six
integer types) a while ago:

Release R14, when we introduced that functionality, came out exactly six
years ago today.

Steve Lord
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