From: E.D.G. on
"Tad McClellan" <tadmc(a)seesig.invalid> wrote in message

> A web server is a *program*, just as a word processor is a program.

I am aware of those things. But what I have concluded from personal
experiences is that (other) science researchers are often only interested in
trying to determine what the laws of the universe are, or whatever. They
won't go too far out of their way to develop computer programming or Web
site development skills. However, if someone makes that extremely easy for
them by providing them with "cookbook" type instructions for what they need
to do then they might take an interest in it.

If you work with science researchers long enough, what you will also
eventually discover in my opinion is that they often don't know enough about
programming and Web site usage to be even able to explain to professional
computer programmers what needs to be done along those lines. And as a
result, progress with many scientific projects is slower than it could and
should be.

The science researchers are unlikely to change their attitudes. So,
since most of us would like to see them do a better job of finding cures for
cancer etc. the only choice we have is to try to make things easy for them.

From: E.D.G. on
"Steve" <stevem_(a)> wrote in message

> But my first thought upon reading this post was that I would probably look
> at Imagemagick.

I have looked at ImageMagick quite a few times. And it is a possible
option. But it appears to largely be a picture file manipulation program
rather than a simple plot generation program. And it contains many more
features than are needed.

Why use an ocean liner to do what should be possible with a rowboat?

From: Scott Bryce on
E.D.G. wrote:
> Why use an ocean liner to do what should be possible with a rowboat?

Because at some point someone is going to want to row across the ocean.
From: E.D.G. on
"Scott Bryce" <sbryce(a)> wrote in message
> E.D.G. wrote:
>> Why use an ocean liner to do what should be possible with a rowboat?
> Because at some point someone is going to want to row across the ocean.

One possible approach is to select one of the available Perl language
modules for doing simple plotting for faster applications such as
interactive plots where the user wants something to move back and forth on
the computer screen under keyboard control. And, for more complex plotting
applications such as 3D charts Perl could link with the Gnuplot plotting

For quite a while, on my own PC I have been using Perl and Gnuplot
for interactive plotting though it is my understanding that it is not really
designed for that.

It will probably take a while to check the different options.