From: Jeff Brooks on
topmind wrote:
>>Says the person who hasn't presented objective evidence
>>supporting his position.
> It is my opinion that paradigm preference is largely a *subjective*
> thing. Thus, there is not much to objectively prove either way.

Then why do you keep asking for objective evidence from the OO guys?

Jeff Brooks
From: Jeff Brooks on
>>>Even if I did, does that give you license to also be an idiot?
>>Stop shaking your head and argue. Learn how to make a coherent argument.
> I am not sure what your complaint is. Those are claims about debate
> issues, not paradign claims. You are mixing apples and oranges.

You seem to think "Even if I did, does that give you license to also be
an idiot?" is an acceptable response.

Resorting to insults isn't debating it's just childish.

Jeff Brooks
From: Jeff Brooks on
CTips wrote:
> Robert C. Martin wrote:
>> That one is not so hard. Simply algebra can solve it without too much
>> difficulty (I've done it). The tougher one is:
> Nah, the problem isn't the implementation. Its the fact that you have to
> (in general) have to write a separate function for each _pair_ of
> subclass types. Thus if you have the following sub-classes of shape:
> square, circle, koch_snowflake
> you will need to implement functions
> square_with_circle
> square_with_koch_snowflake
> circle_with_koch_snowflake.
> Now if you introduce another shape, say a mandelbrot set. Then you need
> to introduce another 3 functions:
> {square,circle,koch_snowflake}_with_mandelbrot_set
> This means that you need to know _ALL_ other shape sub-classes out there
> before you can actually implement the function intersects().
> [I have deliberately picked some fractal shapes so that a certain
> mathematical ignoramus (not you) doesn't start quibbling; however I am
> _NOT_ certain that intersects() is actually computable for both the koch
> snowflake and the mandelbrot set.]

It appears you don't you understand what a fractal is.

I would love to see you try to find a way to calculate an intersection
between two fractals (not an approximation, but real fractals).

Jeff Brooks
From: Jeff Brooks on
topmind wrote:
> Daniel Parker wrote:
>>I suspect that's probably true, more and more of them are plugging their
>>code into OO frameworks, and using classes designed according to OO
>>principles, but they themselves are not using OO techniques. Switch
>>statements come naturally to them, no good to speak to them of polymorphism,
>>polymorphism would only frighten them.
> Switch/case statements are more flexible. If the options grow apart or
> become non-mutually-exclusive, then it is easier to mutate a case
> statement to an IF statement or something else. Polymorphism requires
> bigger-scale overhauls to move from IS-A to HAS-A.

One advantage of OO is that you can extend the "case" structure without
changing code that calls it.

For example:

class Component
void draw();

If you have a Window that has a collection of Components you can add
your own Components and Window can use them without requiring changes to
Window. Actually, anything that can use a Component can use your new
Component without having to be updated.

Jeff Brooks
From: Jeff Brooks on
topmind wrote:
> Yes, but they are essentially reinventing databases (just not
> relational ones). If you want meta grouping and searching capability,
> all roads lead to databases. What remains is whether to go with
> relational or non-relational (navigational/OODBMS).
> People are realizing that text code by itself is crappy at managing
> large-scale structures and the direction seems to be toward databases.
> Even Class Browsers are starting to add query languages and forms.
> Thus, eventually it will come down to a battle over which kind of
> database I estimate. Ten years from now this forum will be filled with
> navigational weenies fighting with relational weenies.

What type of weenie are you? ;-)

Jeff Brooks
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