From: Robert Redelmeier on
In cshipc Robert Myers <rbmyersusa(a)> wrote in part:
> Fourthly, the proper manner of formal address is Dr. Myers.

Touchy, touchy. I'm presuming PhD 'cuz MDs have little knowledge
of fluid dynamics. Although there are some interesting problems
around shear minimization for heart valves and arterial grafts.

-- Robert R

From: Robert Myers on
On Feb 2, 1:38 pm, Robert Redelmeier <red...(a)> wrote:
> In cshipc Robert Myers <rbmyers...(a)> wrote in part:
> > Fourthly, the proper manner of formal address is Dr. Myers.
> Touchy, touchy.  I'm presuming PhD 'cuz MDs have little knowledge
> of fluid dynamics.  Although there are some interesting problems
> around shear minimization for heart valves and arterial grafts.
Formal address where informal address is commonly used is hostile.
That being the case, I'm going to insist on the socially-correct

Had you been paying attention, you'd know a lot about my educational
