From: Don McKenzie on
z1 wrote:
> Don McKenzie wrote:
>> We've partnered with Google to offer our entire 137-year archive for
>> free browsing. Each issue appears just as it did at its original time
>> of publication, complete with period advertisements. It's an amazing
>> resource that beautifully encapsulates our ongoing fascination with
>> the future, and science and technology's incredible potential to
>> improve our lives. We hope you enjoy it as much as we do.
>> In the future, we'll be adding more advanced features for searching
>> and browsing, but for now, enter any keyword into the box below and
>> dive in.
>> =========================
>> I did a search on "MITS Altair 8800", results were amazing.
>> Cheers Don...

> can you offer a link please ?

Ohhps, sorry a link would help wouldn't it. :-)

search engine at:

Cheers Don...

Don McKenzie

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