Prev: Position estimation using tri-axis accelerometer with gyroscopein Static standing
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From: haoxiang on 28 Dec 2009 14:36 >Rune Allnor wrote: > >I would suggest he run his experiment with an idealized subject - > a pendulum. > >A Google search for his accelerometer would also prove >informative (I tried it) > > I have tried placing the accelerometer on a flat ground and measure the accelerations and double integrate to obtain position estimate. Since initial acceleration is unknown i assume as 0. With this setup, i still obtain a significant error in position estimate after elapsed time of 1 min. Even with a pendulum, i would assume the drift error would be the same? I need some method to calibrate the measurement i guess. For eg, since when accelerometer is placed on flat ground there should be no position displacement hence i should calibrate the error result with 0 or something along that line? Regards, Hao Xiang |