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How can I use a custom design template in my power point
I have a specific slide template I want to use in my power point. How do I import the template into my power point presentation? ... 28 May 2010 12:40
hello hi bye byeeeee
fdngnehnfhn ... 28 May 2010 09:20
ppt to dvd
You can convert ppt to dvd using Presentation to Video Converter and it's nice prog and really simple. ciciamy wrote: As you have said so many questions. 28-Aug-09 As you have said so many questions. maybe is just concerned to two key points,, they are : 1> you shoud ste up the timing of your powerpoint ... 28 May 2010 07:10
Is it possible to "lock" a slide
In a presentation I have a slide with several hyperlinks. Is it possible to "lock" the slide, so the only way to go on from that slide, is by using one of the hyperlinks? I have removed the checkmarks from Clik on the Mouse and Automatic, but I can still leave the slide, using the scrollwheel on the mouse or the ar... 30 May 2010 16:31
get slide number to start at 1 on slide 4
i need to number my samples so i'm using the slide number as a sample number. problem is my samples start after my index on pg 4 and i need my numbering to start from 1? what can i do ... 28 May 2010 07:10
How do I print slides Front to Back
How do I print slides Front to Back w/o taking the paper off the printer and flipping it over? Where is the setting I can fix to have the printer do it for me? ... 3 Jun 2010 03:30
how to send clipart to backgroung in powerpoint
how do you send clipart into the background so that the text can bee seen over it? ... 2 Jun 2010 12:03
Help ! Presentation is in Compatability Mode
I created a presention in 2007 version, somehow my presentation is in Compatability mode. Is there anyway I can change this? ... 27 May 2010 19:18
Songs overlap. Please help!
I've done this same slide show numerous times with no problems. I now have a different group of songs inserted into the show and the program seems to recognize the songs length as 0. If I have one song playing per slide, there is no problem. If I have 2 songs and have them automatically to play one after ano... 30 May 2010 19:47
how to type a different language?
Making a power point in english, but a name has a weird accent mark on the top. ... 3 Jun 2010 03:30
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