From: Juanjo on
On Apr 13, 10:47 pm, His kennyness <kentil...(a)> wrote:
> The beauty is Dr McCarthy's main contrib: code as data. Fix ASDF any way
> needed and then write one simple parser that can work off existing .asd
> files (with more or less hinting, perhaps).

Point is not even that can be done 100% safely for all ASDF files out
there and for others that people write. It is an illusion to try to
bring a new system out of the blue without some cooperation from

As an example, if you have a look at the code people have added to
their ASDF files (*) you will find #. reader evaluated forms and a lot
of other toplevel forms that only work when some dependencies have
been loaded prior to that or when the value of the current directory
is the appropriate one (sic). In the end there is going to be so much
ad-hoc in the rules to process all that information that it ends up
being quite a lot of manual work.


(*) See the failures in the html file to see the errors that happen
when one tries to parse *.asd files with simple READ.
From: Mario S. Mommer on

Juanjo <juanjose.garciaripoll(a)> writes:
> On Apr 13, 7:32 pm, His kennyness <kentil...(a)> wrote:
>> There are other bad choices all over ASDF.
>> Is it worth saving? Is mk:defsystem in better shape?
> I believe we do not need something completely different.

I think maybe that would be better.

> We may progressively introduce back some rationality into ASDF, making
> it closer to mk:defsystem but keeping the extensibility -- it is for
> instant interesting to be able to introduce new kinds of components, in
> particular for interfacing with other languages (fortran, C, etc).

It does not do that at all well, and with mk:defsystem you could do that
too. Maybe ASDF does it better than mk:defsystem, but I suspect it just
does so differently or even worse.

There is a .asd file for matlisp floating around that did take a lot of
work but does not really work well for obscure reasons.

> What I would like to learn is what people think they have learnt that
> ASDF does wrong,

What ASDF does wrong is to implement a crippled functional programming
language whose domain is loading software in a lazy-evaluation kind of
way. And then it presents a pretty baroque interface for "overloading"
the operators, so to speak, which you do by defining classes and methods
and keyword args and so on and so on. This is bad, because one can spend
a lot of time figuring out how to do things that would be trivial when
done in an ad-hoc fashion with a proper programming language.

ASDF is something of a Turing tar pit.

(As to the original authors, well, nobody complained about ASDF for a
long time, so no one should judge them.)

> things it gets right

What it gets right, IMO, is to come with an accepted and more or less
adhered-to way of specifying how to load code, and how to put that in
one file, and make that information available to the CL
implementation. There is a lot of irregularity in the details, but at
least that pattern is adhered to. This has made a lot of things possible
that were not possible before (asdf-install, etc).

You should be aware of the alternatives, which were having ad hoc
loaders that did whatever they liked. Like, files loading other files
that then loaded other files. There are examples of that around in old
repositories. ASDF and mk:defsystem might not be perfect, but they
brought some discipline into the issue.

> and to what extent the Common
> Lisp community is willing to accept any progress along one or another
> direction.

Right now it seems that progress will encounter little resistance.
From: Juanjo on
On Apr 13, 9:56 pm, Faré <fah...(a)> wrote:
> I am the current de facto ASDF maintainer.
> I became so shortly after I blogged myself into it.

No intention to make this a campaing for the position. I just want to
take the fruitless discussions out of the ASDF developers list and
into the public. Decisions on the future of build systems should be
based on feedback from developers, not only on trying to get them move
to the next big thing.

> My objective with ASDF 2 was merely to package all the progress that
> happened since various versions of ASDF 1 [...]
> Amongst the strong constraints of ASDF 2 was that we should be 100%
> backwards compatible, [...]
> it is not unconceivable that a future ASDF 3 should introduce
> incompatibilities allowing for a better build model.
> That said, I am also the author of XCVB, and I believe that
> it provides a better starting point for developing
> a new, incompatible, build system for Common Lisp.

The only way to preserve 100% compatibility is to stay in the past.
This is a fact. Moreover when none of ASDF contributors actually
understands fully the main function that drives ASDF, TRAVERSE. What
matters right now is 1) getting things to work and 2) making the chain
as painless as possible.

Step 1) can be ensured by gathering the 1000 software components out
there and ensuring they build, at least with 99% fidelity. Step 2) is
achieved by carefully dropping unneeded features, bloat and

You must know how hard it is to push a new build system through the CL
community, specially when you want to introduce different ways of
organizing and making dependencies explicit.

That said, I have read XCVB's manual and I feel it introduces an
unneeded level of complexity in it all. Parallel compilation is nice,
but forcing the use of makefiles, permitting the developers to scatter
the dependencies of their software over different files, and relying
on external drivers, plus the size of the software itself -- ASDF
could and should be so lean! --, does not really convince me.

Right now ASDF contains four components
1- The notion of system definition, components and its implementation
using CLOS
2- The infrastracture for locating, parsing and connecting
dependencies in *.asd files
3- The logic for deciding how to chain operations based on the
4- An interface to the filesystem for storing and locating files.

What XCVB does is fixing 3 by restricting the family of operations to
2 and imposing certain restrictions in the dependencies, but it alters
1 and 2 by changing the syntax of dependencies and hiding the process
from the user. Furthermore it replaces the interface with Makefiles
and makes filesystem dependencies explicit (rules may contain paths).
Not having the extension model of ASDF it probably can not handle
other components, such as compiled files generated for a FFI, or other
stuff. Moreover, it has not faced the problems of deciding a good
design for an extension model, so it is not free from making the same
mistakes as ASDF.

XCVB faces a similar problem as the one I described when integrating
with ASDF systems. If I interpret the manual correctly, it can not
really handle them, but relies on ASDF
and expects people to gradually convert their ASDF systems to XCVB
format using tools XCVB also provides. In other words, it still needs
them to fix the problems I pointed out.

Now the question is whether it pays of to "fix" ASDF, we jump on the
XCVB wagon or we wait for some kind of illumination to write the next
big thing. What is wrong with being lazy and

* Give people tools to write better *.asd files, side-effect free.
* Restrict the set of operations that ASDF supports to a few: compile,
load & test
* Simplify the way components are written, perhaps adding some
syntactic sugar.
* Create an API to load and traverse the set of systems and their
* Replace the routine that drives ASDF, TRAVERSE, with something
everybody understands.
* Test it works 99% of the cases with the huge set of software we have
* Write makefile generators in the XCVB fashion, if they are useful
for somebody.
* Write scripts that can be distributed with libraries so that one may
and get a library built and installed the proper way.

The hardest part is changing the core, the logic which chooses what to
do and when. Maybe it makes sense to consider the benefits of the old
MK:DEFSYSTEM model where compilation was an optional step and thus
files relied not on compile-time side effects but on the order in
which files were loaded. How many existing systems would break if we
reinterpreted ASDF files that way?
From: Pascal J. Bourguignon on
Juanjo <juanjose.garciaripoll(a)> writes:

> What I would like to learn is what people think they have learnt that
> ASDF does wrong, things it gets right and to what extent the Common
> Lisp community is willing to accept any progress along one or another
> direction.

My use of ASDF is rather limited.

- One thing I find wrong as a developer is that I would have to write
the dependencies. I don't. I write programs to sort out the
dependencies automatically and to generate the ASD files
automatically. If the ASD file is a byproduct, is it really needed?

- As a user, ASDF is usable. But obviously, it should provide a
simplier API than OPERATE for users, everyone is writing his own
asdf-load function...

- Another point I had difficulties with, as a user, are the warning that
considered as bugs, and preventing compilation/loading of an ASDF
system. (It may be relevant only to older versions of ASDF and/or
SBCL, I've not tried the newest versions).

(For my own projects, I usually stay with the loader.lisp approach).

__Pascal Bourguignon__
From: Juanjo on
On Apr 14, 6:14 am, Tim X <t...(a)> wrote:
> Juanjo <juanjose.garciarip...(a)> writes:
> > What I would like to learn is what people think they have learnt that
> > ASDF does wrong, things it gets right and to what extent the Common
> > Lisp community is willing to accept any progress along one or another
> > direction.
> I think this is the ideal starting point. It may also be worthwhile
> asking what people like and dislike about other approaches, though ther
> is a danger of information overload. [...]
> The main issue I can see with this approach is it does run the
> danger of decision by committee and could either result in an overly
> complex over designed mess that never gets realised or something that is
> so heavy-weight nobody wants to use it or is too limited and nobody
> finds it any more useful than what they already have.

It depends on how one sets up the path. If the goal is
1) Simplify ASDF till you can see the bare bones
2) Build tools on top of it
you can get something that is not too complex by design.

> Juanjo, from the little I can tell from your posts, your initial efforts
> in this area and your track record with respect to work and
> contributions, you may well be the one who could do this (either that or
> you are an insane madman!). My only comments are
> 1. Your analysis of ASDF is a good starting point. However, I think you
> need to be careful regarding some of your phrasing as it can come across
> as an emotional rather than a valid technical criticism.

Having experienced this myself in the last weeks. I am not a
diplomatic person, just a nerd who does Physics and programming, and I
can be rather emotional myself, specially when entering debates which
just lead to opinions and not to facts. I do not think I would qualify
for the person with leadership that you mentioned before and it was
not my intention to put myself forward as such, but rather stimulate a
more rational and more open discussion.

> 2. I would recommend being very careful about using examples.

Yes, I found this myself. If I start talking about ECL and how we
build software people just disregard the rest of the discussion. If I
start talking about delivering *.deb or *.rpm, just the like. If I say
anything about the load & dump development model, people quickly
disconnect and forget the rest of the debate.

It is very tough and discouraging, and one of the reasons I am
pursuing this is just because ECL's progress is impeded by the current
status -- hey, I can not even properly automate testing of existing
libraries because of it!

> 1. Ability to easily define dependencies in systems I am developing. In
> general, ASDF does this pretty well provided I don't include other libs
> with unusual asdf forms or complex dependency graphs.

It would be nice to have even artificially cooked examples, for any
effort that aims at fixing / replacing ASDF will encounter them.

> 2. I would love a system similar to CPAN. I'd love to be able to just
> issue the command CLAN install <some-lib> and hav it identify any
> dependencies not available locally, download all necessary sources,
> build them, run tests and if all goes well install everything.

This can be done if *.asd files at some point become really pure
descriptions of the software.
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