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From: Andre Gibson on 15 Mar 2010 16:19 Hello all I am using sql server 2000 sp4 (boy do I feel obsolete) I am trying to prepare for replication (transactional Replication ). The manual I am following tells me that I need locate identity columns in the schema and adjust them to "NOT FOR REPLICATION" The below query identifies those columns and the table that belong to. ====================== SELECT, from sysobjects O INNER JOIN syscolumns C on = WHERE o.type='U' AND objectproperty (, 'TABLEHASIDENTITY') = 1 AND columnproperty (,, 'IsIdentity') = 1 ORDER BY, ========================= I would however I would like to find a query that will based on the output alter the schema as opposed to me manually changing each of these in Enterprise Manager. Can anyone help me out here. I will need to do something similar for the triggers as well. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Andre |