From: Bill McKeeman on
Rune Allnor <allnor(a)> wrote in message <38b0fa48-3aeb-467f-b895-1124cb489313(a)>...
> On 20 Nov, 16:10, "Margaret Segou" <mse...(a)> wrote:
> > Let's assume that you have an m file developed at the current edition, containing a new added Matlab function. Is it possible that this m file will be preparsed accurately with the pcode function from a previous Matlab edition???
> There is no reason to expect that an old version of
> matlab will be able to handle newer additions correctly,
> if that's what you ask.
> Rune
From R2007b onward, the pcode function is designed to work both forward and backward. That is, the dot-p should behave exactly like the dot-m would have behaved. The pcode function checks the input MATLAB dot-m file to make sure it can run before it makes the dot-p file, so you must use a release that can run the dot-m file to make the dot-p file.