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From: Skybuck Flying on 25 May 2010 09:23 However Michael's Code is a bit dangerous because of the way Delphi compiles it: At first glance during testing apperently it doesn't require a "word" typecast to make it safe: function Mask2MichaelVinther( ParaBitCount : byte ) : word; inline; begin result := (1 shl ParaBitCount)-1; end; Carefully looking at this function makes it suspicious 1 shl 16 would become 0. 0 - 1 should trigger a range checking exception... but the exception never occurs. Even when range+overflow checking is on and inlining is off the code doesn't trip: It seems to be a Delphi 2007 compiler range/overflow checking bug not being able to detect this scenerio: " TestProgram.dpr.40: result := (1 shl ParaBitCount)-1; 00408E4C 8BC8 mov ecx,eax 00408E4E B801000000 mov eax,$00000001 00408E53 D3E0 shl eax,cl 00408E55 83E801 sub eax,$01 00408E58 7105 jno $00408e5f 00408E5A E851ADFFFF call @IntOver 00408E5F 3DFFFF0000 cmp eax,$0000ffff // probably bug here... eax will be $FFFF FFFF Unable to determine from intel documentation what cmp and jbe do... is it A <= B ? or B <= A ? 00408E64 7605 jbe $00408e6b 00408E66 E83DADFFFF call @BoundErr TestProgram.dpr.41: end; 00408E6B C3 ret " Bye, Skybuck. |