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From: RC on 15 Sep 2006 09:13 I was wondering if anyone could provide an explanation for the seemingly strange behaviour I see in the Sharepoint 2007 Object model when retrieving permissions from a SPListItem.DoesUserHavePermission() call. Scenario: ========= Environment: WindowsServer2003/ MOSS2007v3,Beta2(no TR) [List]CustomList1: |----> [Folder]Finance: contains {item1, item 2} | [Permissions]: "SiteOwners"(FullControl), | "GroupFinance"(ViewList/EditList) | |----> [Folder]Assets: contains {item3, item 4} [Permissions]: "SiteOwners"(FullControl), "GroupAssets"(ViewList/EditList) Behaviour Noticed: ================== When I log to the Site as a "GroupFinance" user, I notice the correct UI Trimming, ie: "Assets" folder is not seen and only View/Edit on each folder item is set. Same with logging in as "GroupAssets" user (All this is very good and expected). HOWEVER, when I try to access the Permissions through the "Sharepoint Object Model", when I cycle through the list to see the items and the associated permissions, I see ONLY The Items I expect to see (ie: Finance {item1, item2} when logged in as a finance type user, BUT the permissions are always coming as "FALSE" unless I set the access to Full Control ! Code:[TestPerm.aspx]: located in _layouts folder ================================================ SPWeb web = SPControl.GetContextWeb(HttpContext.Current); SPList list = web.Lists["CustomList1"]; SPUser user = web.CurrentUser; foreach (SPListItem item in list.Items) { bool perm = item.DoesUserHavePermissions(user, SPBasePermissions.ViewListItems); bool perm1 = item.DoesUserHavePermissions(user, SPBasePermissions.EditListItems); bool perm2 = item.DoesUserHavePermissions(user, SPBasePermissions.EditListItems); bool perm3 = item.DoesUserHavePermissions(user, SPBasePermissions.DeleteListItems); } Output: ======= a) For a "Finance User": I see CORRECT ITEMS (item1, item 2) b) perm = false, perm1 = false, perm2 = false, perm3 = false (all perms true if I set permission to FULL CONTROL only, else ALWAYS FALSE -- Which is incorrect and contrary to what I see in the UI !!) Could someone tell me what I am missing here? The UI is surely using the SAME CALLS I am making and it seems to work...Why is the code not getting the correct permission levels set?? Any pointers greatly appreciated. Thanks, RC
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