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From: Jeff on 30 Jan 2010 10:23 hi 3.5 when validating my site I get the error mention in the subject of this post, here is the source code generating the problem. I mean thisis the source code taken from the browser: <span><input type="image" name="ctl00$Login2$LoginView1$Login1$Submit" id="ctl00_Login2_LoginView1_Login1_Submit" src="Images/Go.gif" alt="alt text is here" onclick="javascript:WebForm_DoPostBackWithOptions(new WebForm_PostBackOptions("ctl00$Login2$LoginView1$Login1$Submit", "", true, "Login", "", false, false))" border="0" /></span> The problem is that the border="0" isn't specified anyplace in the source code, it's something that the browser generates and when I try to validate the page I get this error... I have to add that when I copy the code and paste it into the validator then no errors are found and site validates, but when I refer with site URL, then it don't validates.. this is a mistery for me any suggestions?
From: Alexey Smirnov on 30 Jan 2010 11:40
On Jan 30, 4:23 pm, "Jeff" <it_consulta...(a)> wrote: > hi > > 3.5 > > when validating my site I get the error mention in the subject of this post, > here is the source code generating the problem. I mean thisis the source > code taken from the browser: > <span><input type="image" name="ctl00$Login2$LoginView1$Login1$Submit" > id="ctl00_Login2_LoginView1_Login1_Submit" src="Images/Go.gif" alt="alt text > is here" onclick="javascript:WebForm_DoPostBackWithOptions(new > WebForm_PostBackOptions("ctl00$Login2$LoginView1$Login1$Submit", > "", true, "Login", "", false, false))" > border="0" /></span> > > The problem is that the border="0" isn't specified anyplace in the source > code, it's something that the browser generates and when I try to validate > the page I get this error... I have to add that when I copy the code and > paste it into the validator then no errors are found and site validates, but > when I refer with site URL, then it don't validates.. this is a mistery for > me > > any suggestions? Hi Jeff, you will find the answer here: |